
How do you discipline an employee for absenteeism?

How do you discipline an employee for absenteeism?

How to Deal with Employee Absenteeism

  1. Create an employee attendance policy.
  2. Enforce your attendance policy consistently.
  3. Keep track of employee absences.
  4. Address unscheduled absences and no-show’s immediately.
  5. Don’t just treat the symptoms, discover the cause.
  6. Don’t forget to reward good behavior.

Can an employee be dismissed for absenteeism?

Generally, if there has been no prior instance of absenteeism, the employer is not entitled to dismiss. But if the absence is coupled with insubordination, dismissal may be justified. If an employee fails to report for duty for an extended period, what the employer must do before a dismissal can be called fair.

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Does absence count as misconduct?

Unauthorised absence is a disciplinary offence, it is classed as misconduct. However, some cases of unauthorised absence could be classed as gross misconduct, for example, if an employee has been refused holiday for certain dates, but they take the time off anyway.

How do you deal with employee attendance issues?

6 Effective Ways to Deal With Employee Attendance Issues

  1. Put Your Attendance Policy in Writing.
  2. Take Time to Collect Evidence.
  3. Make Sure Employees Know You Are Aware of What is Going On.
  4. Show Concern For Employees.
  5. Keep Lines of Communication Open.
  6. Be Willing to Accommodate Employees.

What is excessive absence?

“Excessive” absenteeism is a term I use to describe a particular employee’s attendance record if he or she has been absent way more than the typical employee and doesn’t have valid reasons for the absences.

What’s a sackable Offence?

Examples of sackable offences Aggressive or intimidating behaviour at work. Dangerous horseplay in the workplace. Indecent or abusive behaviour in the workplace. Discrimination or harassment of another employee. Serious insubordination in the workplace.

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What is absence management?

Absence management is an employer’s approach — via policies, procedures or programs — to reduce employee absenteeism, avoid workforce disruption and maximize employee productivity.

Why is being absent from work unethical?

It heightens employers’ liabilities in the form of additional labor costs that they need to endure to cover up the lost productivity due to the absent employees’ missed work hours. It also increases the workload on the remaining workforce, which later turns up as workplace dissatisfaction and other such related issues.

What is Employer disciplinary action?

Employer disciplinary action is a response by the employer to problems with employee performance or behavior. It may come in the form of a verbal or written reprimand or the loss of employee privileges.

How do you avoid claims of discrimination in disciplinary action?

The disciplinary action you take for similar situations must be consistent to avoid claims of discrimination by employees. The action taken to reprimand an employee should suit the behavior or issue. Keep a written log of all disciplinary action taken against an employee, even if the action is only verbal in nature.

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Can you discipline an employee for absenteeism?

One thing very clear is that, even with the policies and tight levels of enforcement, absenteeism will still happen. This means that some employees will be disciplined. However, the kind of discipline to be meted out will depend on the nature of the absenteeism.

What is the right disciplinary procedure in the workplace?

But, any action taken must follow the right disciplinary procedure. This is a process in which an employer takes disciplinary action against a worker in a progressive manner; that is, going from lesser to heavier intensity action. A lesser version of disciplinary action may include: