Tips and tricks

Does 12th marks matter in BCA?

Does 12th marks matter in BCA?

Marks of 10th, 12th and your BCA’s overall percentage matters. Various MNC’s sets these as parameters to filter the right candidates for them. Many MNC’s wants candidates with atleast 70\% in their school and college degree.

Can I get job with low marks?

Since you have scored low marks in graduation you wont get job in banks or good companies. Since the minimum marks they expect is 55\% these days due to competition. I would suggest you to go for a good post graduation course like MBA or any other professional course which you think you can do and have liking in it.

What is the minimum salary after BCA?

The average salary offered to BCA graduates is INR 3-6 LPA in the private sector, and INR 15,000 – 35,000 per month in the government sector. With years of experience, BCA salary can be around INR 60,000- 80,000 per month in the government sector and INR 7 lakhs to 1 crore in private sector after 5-19 years.

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Can I do MCA after BCA with low marks in 12th?

Scored less than 60\% in 12th class look, if you have interest to do software oriented jobs. then it will be better to do MCA course after your BCA. but to do mca course, you should have math in your 12th. otherwise you can do MBA. it has also very good career opportunity. as you have poor marks in MBA will be best option for you.

Can I do BCA If I have taken arts subject in 12th?

If you have taken arts subject in 12th class, you cannot apply for BCA course. This is mainly because of the need to select mathematics as a compulsory subject in 12th class. Also 50\% marks is essential in 12th class to apply for the same.

Is a 60\% in 12th good enough for a BCA?

BCA is the right course to do if you are interested in it. It is true that many companies require at least 60\% throughout the applicant’s educational life. So a score of less than 60\% at 12th might pose some problems for you. But then there are companies which require less than 60\% (mostly 50\% or 55\%) as a cut off for appearing in selection test.

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Is a BCA Degree worth it today?

Today the value of BCA degree has come down and it is not given as much importance as it used to get earlier. If you really want a good job in United States, then the only option in front of you is to study MCA.