
Why did Thor wear a fat suit?

Why did Thor wear a fat suit?

The 35-year-old actor was excited to play a “new version of Thor” describing it as “hugely liberating and fun” in a clip by IGN. “We had a sort of fat suit that I think was 60 or 70 pounds,” Hemsworth said. On top of a suit, the actor was also given more body hair than he was used to, including a beard.

How did Thor become fat?

As recalled by the actor himself, he wore a fat suit that weighed around 60 to 70 pounds while filming the movie — that’s before he wore the layers of clothing his hero sported particularly during the final battle where he donned his battle armor.

How did they make Thor look fat in endgame?

“We had a sort of fat suit that I think was 60 or 70 pounds. It was the hottest I’ve ever been,” Hemsworth said. On top of the fat suit, the actor was also given more body hair than he was used to, including a large bushy beard.

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Was fat Thor fat-shamed in Endgame?

Fat Thor was one of the most polarising elements of Avengers: Endgame, dividing opinion across the internet for its transformation and depiction of the once-ripped god. People accused Marvel and the team behind Endgame of fat-shaming, calling them out for “cheap and lazy” humour and using the character only for comedic relief.

Was fat Thor really pointless in ‘the Avengers’?

However, following the premiere of the film, there was one plot twist many fans did not see coming, and it involved Thor. More specifically, Thor’s godlike physique, or lack thereof. “Nobody wants to say it but Fat Thor was really pointless like seriously pointless,” one fan tweeted.

Is Thor’s weight a strategic joke?

Showing Thor’s alcohol or food consumption as a means of coping with trauma was fine, but Christie had a problem with Thor’s weight being a “strategic joke placed by Marvel to provide some comedic relief from the overall seriousness of the film. “Thor is fat! Fat, but still jolly, because how could a fat person not be jolly?” Christie wrote.

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What’s happened to Thor?

Warning: spoilers ahead! Not only did Thor lose his brother Loki to Thanos’ wrath, but he also watched his people get slaughtered by Hela and Thanos. Fast forward, and Thor is struggling with PTSD and has turned to drinking.