What can I say instead of thank you for your service?

What can I say instead of thank you for your service?

Personal thank you

  • I appreciate you!
  • You are the best.
  • I appreciate your help so much.
  • I’m grateful to you.
  • I wanted to thank you for your help.
  • I value the help you’ve given me.
  • I am so thankful for you in my life.
  • Thanks for the support.

Is it appropriate to thank a veteran on Veterans Day?

Veterans Day is a happy celebration during which each American has the opportunity to thank those who have served the nation in military service. Because of this, saying “Happy Veterans Day” to a veteran can be used in the same way a greeting like “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Thanksgiving” is used.

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How do you thank a veteran for his service?

Thank you to all of our veterans and active duty military for their service to our country. Thanks to their family and friends as well for the sacrifices they make. Stay safe and wishing you the happiest holidays! Thank you to each and every veteran that has proudly served our country.

What is the best way to thank a veteran?

Top 10 Ways to Thank a Veteran

  1. Volunteer at a veteran’s organization.
  2. Buy a meal for a homeless vet.
  3. Fly your flag.
  4. Send balloons to your local recruiters office.
  5. Ask a loved one for stories about their time in service — and listen patiently.
  6. Put a stamp on it.
  7. Look for a community event.

Who should you thank on Veterans Day?

The VA describes Veterans Day as a “day set aside to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military — in wartime or peacetime.”

How do you thank a veteran for their service?

Should you say “thank you for your service” to a veteran?

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Over this time, I have heard a variety of providers, people, clergy, civilians, and others state that you should not say “thank you for your service” to a veteran or service member. Four main reasons that I have heard come to mind. First, those who believe this say that it could “trigger” someone to have an emotional reaction.

Do you feel uncomfortable when civilians thank you for Your Service?

“I feel very uncomfortable when civilians say thank you for your service, because I don’t know what to say back,” said a veteran employed at a Cohen Clinic in Washington.

What is beyond Thank you for Your Service?

Its results were released alongside a new initiative launched by CVN titled “Beyond Thank You for Your Service,” an awareness campaign aimed at connecting veterans and civilians in more meaningful ways.

What does it mean when someone says “honor the Veterans”?

In most cases, it is highly likely that their intentions are to acknowledge the sacrifice and selfless service that many veterans and service members have made. Simply stating a phrase is one of the ways that they are choosing to honor the ones that they most likely see as allowing us to live the lifestyles that we do in a free land.