
Why a bullet fired on a glass window makes a fine hole while a stone smashes when hits it?

Why a bullet fired on a glass window makes a fine hole while a stone smashes when hits it?

The velocity of stone is much less than that of the bullet fired from a gun. Due to its low speed the stone remains in contact with the window pane for a longer time and hence motion is shared by whole of the window pane.

Can a stone break bullet proof glass?

Can bulletproof glass be broken by stone? This means that the glass cannot be undamaged when the bullet impacts, but it can stop the bullet and penetrate the glass. The same is true for stones. Bulletproof glass can prevent stones from smashing through the glass, but the glass will still be damaged.

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Why is a bullet shot on a tightly fitted window?

Because the bullet strikes the window at the very small portion and makes it to get into motion for a very short time due to its high speed whereas the remaining portion of the window remains at rest due to inertia of rest.

Why does a glass pane of a widow get shattered when it is hit by a rock?

Answer: The flying pebble has a high velocity. When it strikes the glass pane, the velocity becomes zero in a very short interval of time i.e., the rate of change of momentum is large. Therefore, the force applied on the glass pane is large and so, the glass pane shatters.

How thick is a bulletproof window?

Bulletproof glass varies in thickness from 3⁄4 to 31⁄2 inches (19 to 89 mm).

Do bullets bounce off bulletproof glass?

Generally speaking, bulletproof glass won’t cause bullets to ricochet. It will usually act more like a bulletproof vest, and have the first layers break up and absorb energy. At extreme angles it’s generally more likely that bullets will ricochet off of any surface.

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Do bullets go through glass?

Although a . 22 bullet will go through a windshield, it is recommended that your bullet diameter be equal to or greater than the thickness of the glass – greater than is best. However, due to windshield curvature from side to side, you can also have about a 2-4 inch sideways deflection.

Why does a bullet shatter glass but a stone does not?

Hence it is able to impart its momentum to only a small area thus creating a neat hole. But the stone has a velocity much less than the bullet. Thus, dt is greater. It gets more time to impart its momentum and that too over a larger area. This makes the glass shatter.

Why does a bullet pass through a glass window pane?

A stone thrown on a glass window pane smashes it to pieces but a bullet fired on ot makes a clean hole and passes through it. Why? Here’s my somewhat-educated guess: inertia.

How does a stone break glass?

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A stone on the other hand has huge momentum and has enough contact time with the glass for its force to be spread around the glass from its point of contact, thereby shattering it starting from the point of contact.

What is the difference between a bullet and a stone?

A bullet has very less impulse factor due to its time of contact, but has enough momentum to break the glass……. A stone on the other hand has huge momentum and has enough contact time with the glass for its force to be spread around the glass from its point of contact, thereby shattering it starting from the point of contact……