
What is the root square of 125?

What is the root square of 125?

The square root of 125 is 11.180.

How do you find the square root of 125 by division?

Since, we know, 125 is not a perfect square, therefore, to find the accurate value of √125, we can use the long division method. We can find the square root of 125 upto three places of decimal here. Therefore, the square root of 125 is equal to 11.18, approximately.

What is the principal square root of 44?

We know that square root of 44 is 6.633.

Is 44 a perfect square?

44 is not a perfect square.

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How do you simplify √ 44?

1 Answer

  1. The answer is 2√11 . To simplify a square root, you factor what’s inside the root into perfect squares and everything else. In this case, you can factor 44.
  2. √44=√4⋅11. 4 is a perfect square, so you can take it out its root giving you the answer:
  3. 2√11. 11 is a prime number meaning you cannot factor it any further.

IS 125 a perfect cube?

As the cube root of 125 is a whole number, 125 is a perfect cube.

What is the square root of 125 using prime factors?

Square Root of 125 by Prime Factorization To simplify the square root of 125, let us first express 125 as a product of its prime factors. The prime factorization of 125 is 5 × 5 × 5. The square root of 125 is 5 √5.

What is the square root of √125 = 5√5?

Since we know, √5 is an irrational number, therefore, √125 = 5√5 is also an irrational number. Therefore, we cannot represent the square root of the irrational number in the form of P/Q, where P is the numerator and Q is the denominator.

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What is the cube root of 125?

125 is an imperfect square, hence no natural number can be squared to get the original number 125 is a perfect cube, (125 = 53) hence the cube root of 125 is 5. The roots of 125 are +5√5 or -5√5

What is the irrational number of 125?

√125 is an irrational number, since the simplification of √125 will produce a non-terminating and non-repeating value. What is the square root of 125 simplified?