Tips and tricks

Does the government regulate the Internet?

Does the government regulate the Internet?

The one in charge of regulating the Internet is the Government. Each country will have its own Internet laws, which is why it is easier to gain access to content and information in some countries compared to others. In the United States, for example, there are several agencies that regulate the Internet.

Which countries regulates Internet?

The paper observes that there are various pressures on governments to regulate the Internet. It then observes that governments do not regulate using any regulatory paradigm although the regulators are often also regulators of broadcasting. The regulatory paradigm in fact sometimes comes from the print media.

Is the Chinese government tolerant of public debate?

However, the Chinese government tolerates such debates only as long as they occur in private discussions, closed academic conferences, government-authorized publishing outlets, or other forums where the government does not feel there is any threat of public participation that it cannot control.

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Why are Chinese media sites only accessible to a few people?

Because these sites for these media groups are only accessible to Internet users, and then only to those few Internet users with excellent English skills, they are allowed past China’s national firewall, except at politically sensitive times.

Does Li Rui want democracy in China?

One example of this group is Li Rui, a retired senior Communist Party official and former aide to Mao Zedong, who earlier this year published a letter in the Beijing magazine “China Chronicle” calling for greater democracy in China’s government:

Is China’s ‘free-speech elite’ free to criticize the government?

Despite barriers to access to the means of publication and the dangers inherent in publishing political news and information, members of China’s “free-speech elite” are able to express concerns and criticism regarding the government with less fear of punishment than the average Chinese citizen.