
Are bipolar people good at business?

Are bipolar people good at business?

With the right adjustments, most people with bipolar succeed at work. But although many are able to manage their conditions using medication and other therapies, both psychological and physical, “you’ll never meet any of them, because the fear of being ‘found out’ drives them out of the workplace”, Bingham says.

Are people with bipolar disorder more successful?

People with bipolar disorder can live a good life, be happy and be successful—just like anybody else. In fact, you might be surprised to find out that some of the greatest and most creative minds have had bipolar disorder. Some of their greatest work has been done during their darkest times.

Are most entrepreneurs bipolar?

Forty-nine percent of entrepreneurs surveyed reported at least one mental health condition. Nearly a third reported having two or more mental health issues, such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety or substance use conditions.

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Can bipolar people start business?

With research supporting the idea that people with bipolar can thrive as entrepreneurs, there’s growing awareness that they can manage in business precisely because of the way they have to manage their lives.

How does bipolar disorder affect employment?

The evidence indicates that a majority of patients with bipolar disorder are not employed and many others are employed only part time. Job-related difficulties are common, and patients with bipolar disorder tend to have higher rates of absenteeism from work compared with working individuals without bipolar disorder.

Are CEOs bipolar?

Still, symptoms of bipolar disorder are common among successful CEOs because mania helps executives to be passionate about their ideas, almost to the point of being zealots.

Does Bipolar decrease intelligence?

There’s no evidence that suggests bipolar disorder affects intelligence, on the other hand. Some cognitive functions, such as reasoning and memory, may be affected by mood episodes of bipolar disorder.

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Why is mental health important for entrepreneurs?

Being an entrepreneur increases your risk further. According to research by Michael Freeman, entrepreneurs are 50\% more likely to report having a mental health condition, with certain conditions being more prevalent amongst founders and character traits that make them more susceptible to mood swings.