
Why am I all of a sudden getting a lot of Facebook friend requests?

Why am I all of a sudden getting a lot of Facebook friend requests?

The influx of friend requests for verified users is “likely due to recent search changes” on the platform, Facebook says, which were intended to more prominently surface search results for verified accounts over unverified ones.

How many friends can you request per day on Facebook?

That means you can send up to 1,000 friend requests in a day, or all together. Likely you can send a few more, since many of those people will accept before the day is over. You can only have 1,000 ignored friend requests at a time before Facebook takes action.

How many friend requests can you send on Facebook in one day?

The answer is that there are not. You can send all 5,000 friend requests in one day if you want, and if you have 5,000 people you want to send a request to. Okay, so that’s not strictly correct.

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How many people can you add to your Facebook account?

That hard limit is 5,000 people. Once you reach 5,000 friends, Facebook decides your social circle is large enough and removes your ability to add more friends. The only exception is to “trick” Facebook by taking action very quickly.

What is the Facebook “friend” relationship like?

The Facebook “friend” relationship is interesting in comparison to other social networks and other relationships. Where most other sites are one-way follows, Facebook’s friend requests form the backbone of a reciprocal relationship. You can’t be friends with someone without both parties consenting, and either party can sever the relationship.

Can You Be Friends with someone without their consent on Facebook?

You can’t be friends with someone without both parties consenting, and either party can sever the relationship. Part of the reason Facebook does as much as they can to put businesses and commercial figures into Pages and leave Profiles to individuals is a liability issue.

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