
How do you respond to a not interested sales email?

How do you respond to a not interested sales email?

The best response I’ve found to the “I got your message, I’m not interested” response is to simply reply: “Well, (PROSPECTS NAME) I’m not asking you to make a decision.

How do you respond to not interested at this time?

Asking an investigatory question, however, might possibly reveal valuable information about WHY they’re not interested….The prospect’s response is: “No, we’re not interested.” Your choices are:

  1. #1: Terminate. “Thank you very much for your time.
  2. #2: Investigate. “OK.
  3. #3: Perseverate. “Are you certain?

How do you politely respond to a sales email?

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In conclusion, you can get replies to your sales email templates by following these key tips:

  1. Respect their time.
  2. Have some personality.
  3. Let them know about special deals.
  4. Keep your intros short & sweet.
  5. Don’t bother with design.
  6. Use humor to your advantage.
  7. Get as personal as possible (beyond just “Hey FirstName”)

How do you respond to a sales person?

You can say: “I’m just looking, thanks.” You can use a positive sentence instead of a negative one. Examples are: I’m fine, thank you.

How do you deal with rejection in sales?

How to Deal with Rejection in Sales Calls

  1. Don’t take it personally. Usually, a rejection in sales just means that your product wasn’t what the prospect needed.
  2. Expect it. Rejection happens.
  3. Be professional.
  4. Ask why.
  5. Send a last-minute proposal.
  6. Talk with your teammates.
  7. Treat it as a necessary step.
  8. Be persistent.

How do you respond to sales objections?

Here’s four ways to effectively respond to sales objections:

  1. Listen to the customer’s objection. When you’ve heard the same sales objections time and time again, it can be easy to tune out.
  2. Understand their concerns.
  3. Address objections and find solutions.
  4. Define the solution.
  5. Conclusion.
  6. About the author.
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What is the best response to “I Got Your Message I’m not interested?

The best response I’ve found to the “I got your message, I’m not interested” response is to simply reply: “Well, (PROSPECTS NAME) I’m not asking you to make a decision.

How do you respond when a sales rep asks if you’re looking?

Your typical response is probably something like, “Oh, I’m just looking.” That is not an objection (because the sales rep hasn’t pitched you anything yet), but instead it’s simply a resistance statement designed to blow you off.

What is the best response to a not interested email objection?

The best response to “not interested” email objection. “Thanks, but we already have a vendor.”. Or “Thanks, but we already have a solution.”. Oh how I hate, “We’re good, thanks.”. Or the common, “Not interested.”. It’s tough to read email objections. So here is how to respond to “not interested” emails.

How do you deal with ‘not interested’ replies?

It’s easy to reduce the “not interested” replies if you simply avoid asking for unrealistic commitments. Instead, pivot and provoke conversation about a possible meeting, demo or which could lead to consideration. Go slow (er). This is courtship. Tease. Don’t ask for what you want.