
Why was Lupin so miserable in Deathly Hallows?

Why was Lupin so miserable in Deathly Hallows?

This was because werewolf Lupin, conditioned by years of stigma and prejudice, considered himself unworthy of love: that he was somehow too damaged for Tonks to ever return his feelings.

Is Remus Lupin good or bad?

Lupin is a good man, which Harry valued above all else. He never imagined that that wouldn’t be good enough for everyone else until Lupin told him, “They will not want a werewolf teaching their children, Harry.

Did Ron’s Boggart change?

The boggart shifted into many scary forms as Ron watched. Finally, when it was his turn, the boggart changed into Hermione, who was bleeding profusely and managing rattly breaths. Ron stood limply and Harry muttered ‘Riddikulus’ and assured Ron Hermione was perfectly fine and safe at Hogwarts.

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Why is Remus Lupin the best?

He brought out the best in people Remus was pretty much good at everything. He received excellent grades during his time at Hogwarts, was made a prefect, helped create the incredibly detailed and magical Marauder’s Map, and could effortlessly cast a Patronus.

Is Remus Lupin more sympathetic than James and Sirius Black?

However, Remus never forgot what loneliness felt like and showed more sympathy to outsiders than either James or Sirius. While James and Sirius took a certain kind of pleasure in tormenting Severus Snape during their Hogwarts years, Remus avoided joining in with his friends’ bullying behaviour.

Why was Remus Lupin so good at everything?

Remus was pretty much good at everything. He received excellent grades during his time at Hogwarts, was made a prefect, helped create the incredibly detailed and magical Marauder’s Map, and could effortlessly cast a Patronus. But beyond being a talented wizard, one of Remus’s greatest skills was helping others to realise their potential.

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Why is Remus Lupin the best teacher in Harry Potter?

Finally, Remus was also the type of teacher who carried chocolate around with him, just in case any of his students needed a pick-me-up after an encounter with a Dementor. Another reason why he was simply the best.

Why is Lupin our favourite Harry Potter character?

Lupin was possibly the most reserved of the Marauders – but here’s why he’s our hero. James Potter and Sirius Black are fan favourites in the Harry Potter world. Their confidence and rebelliousness made them the subject of many a fan’s idle daydreaming about what Hogwarts would have been like before Harry Potter’s time.