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Can narcissists be hypochondriac?

Can narcissists be hypochondriac?

Often narcissistic personalities are vulnerable to hypochondria because they transform their psychological frailty into physical fragility. Narcissistic personalities may fear falling apart physically because they sometimes know that their sense of self can be abruptly shattered.

What does a hypochondriac do?

A hypochondriac is someone who lives with the fear that they have a serious, but undiagnosed medical condition, even though diagnostic tests show there is nothing wrong with them. Hypochondriacs experience extreme anxiety from the bodily responses most people take for granted.

What is the difference between a narcissist and a hypochondriac?

Narcissists focuses on Narcissistic Supply, where as a Hypochondriac focuses on their own fears or belief of becoming ill. Sam Vaknin: I constantly need narcissistic supply. I probably could get a Ph.D. in psychology, treat patients (sorry, clients) a few years and then come out with a first monograph.

What is hypochondriac disorder?

Hypochondria is a disorder which causes you to worry obsessively over your health. This obsessive worrying over if you are ill often means you will experience symptoms which are not real or exaggerate real symptoms which can then lead to anxiety and depression.

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What is the connection between Munchausen and hypochondria?

Munchausen (or Factitious Disorder) can look similar to Hypochondria (Health Anxiety) and I have experienced this first hand. The connection is called: Victimized narcissists. People with Munchausen show physical and mental illnesses and often create intricate backstories to explain why their health is deteriorating.

How do you deal with a hypochondriac friend?

Listen. A person who is suffering from hypochondria needs to talk about it, even if it is all in their head. It is likely that you heard about it before and you know enough to realise that it isn’t real but you should still hear them out. Try to seem interested. You should support them, but do not show too much concern.