
How do I stop being pretentious?

How do I stop being pretentious?

How to stop being pretentious

  1. Use ordinary words in everyday conversations.
  2. Be curious rather than judgmental.
  3. Learn how to have balanced conversations.
  4. Learn to talk about trivial things.
  5. Be humble.
  6. Try new things.
  7. Work on your self-confidence.
  8. Acknowledge your limitations and keep learning.

What makes an artist pretentious?

Originally Answered: Why is art considered pretentious? Art, specifically modern art, is often considered to be pretentious, meaningless, and self-serving by some people, specifically by people who aren’t either artists themselves or people that don’t actively follow various art scenes or mediums.

How do you deal with bad drawings?

Write a list of your expectations about your drawing. Even if they sound ridiculous as you write them, write them anyway. It will feel good to give them some rational judgment! Some examples: Every next drawing of mine should be better than the previous one. Bad drawings are worthless. When I draw a bad drawing, it means I suck.

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How do you become a good artist?

“I want to be there, but I don’t really want to go there!” To become a good artist, you need to lower your expectations first. You need to learn how to think in a more productive way; to put less focus on your desire (the goal), and more on the process (the way).

Do you take beginner drawings seriously?

You know you’ll fail, and it doesn’t matter. You may even laugh when it happens, because beginner mistakes are often funny! Yet when you want to draw your first drawing, you take it completely seriously. You feel as if everyone expected good results from you on the first try. As if you were only allowed to draw if you were already good at it.

What are some examples of frustration in art?

A bad drawing. A proof of poor skills. The artwork of a child. Because of this, every session of drawing inevitably leads to frustration. You want a certain feeling, and you get the opposite of it every time you try.