
What happens when you bend space-time?

What happens when you bend space-time?

Large objects such as the Sun and planets aren’t the only masses that warp the fabric of space-time. Anything with mass—including your body—bends this four-dimensional cosmic grid. The warp, in turn, creates the effect of gravity, redirecting the path of objects that travel into it.

How does space-time curve?

In general relativity, spacetime is not ‘flat’ but is curved by the presence of massive bodies. The curvature of spacetime influences the motion of massive bodies within it; in turn, as massive bodies move in spacetime, the curvature changes and the geometry of spacetime is in constant evolution.

Do black holes bend space-time?

The black hole warped light from X-ray explosions on its far side, bending the light around toward Earth. It further confirms Albert Einstein’s theory that massive objects like black holes warp space-time.

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Do black holes bend space time?

What is the bending of space-time?

The phrase “bending of space time” is used as an analogy with a rubber sheet, but it is just an analogy.

What is the difference between action-at-a-distance and spacetime curvature?

Action-at-a-distance was here to stay, but Newton’s “infinite-range force through static space” was replaced by spacetime curvature. more severely curved space — run at a different rate than ones in a shallower, less-curved portion of space.

How do electromagnetic fields affect spacetime curvature?

Classicalelectromagnetic fields carry energy and momentum and therefore cause spacetime curvature. For example, the EM field around a charged black hole is taken into account when finding the Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr-Newman metrics.

What determines the curvature of the universe?

The Universe is out there, waiting for you to discover it. The spacetime curvature around any massive object is determined by the combination of mass and distance from the center-of-mass.