
What score gets 99 percentile in CAT?

What score gets 99 percentile in CAT?

You must target a score of 122 (CAT raw score) to be able to enter the 99 percentile bracket. Here’s a table indicating percentile ranges corresponding to sectional and overall raw CAT scores to help you make a strategy to target the percentile range in CAT 2021.

How hard is it to score 99 in cat?

As can be seen above, you only need to attempt around 60\% of the questions in CAT 2021 to get a 99 percentile score. Knowing your strong and weak areas will have to spend the least time on the remaining 40\%. When aiming for the top, it is not only what you attempt that matters but also what you choose to leave.

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What score is 99 percentile in CAT 2019?

CAT 2019 Analysis: Highlights

Percentile VARC score Overall Score
99 \%ile 70 161-164
95\%ile 59 127-130
90\%ile 52 107-110
85\%ile (CUT-OFF) 45 95-98

What is the meaning of 99 percentile in CAT exam?

For example, if a candidate’s CAT percentile is 99, it means his/her performance was better than 99 per cent of the total CAT test takers that year. Or one can say, candidates scoring above 90 percentile would be the top 10 per cent of the students that year.

Is scoring 90 percentile in cat good for MBA?

A: For IIMs, nothing less than 97-98 percentile is good but for other top MBA colleges 90-95 percentile is good. A majority of CAT test takers fall in the category of 80-90 percentile and 100s of B-schools accept candidates having CAT score in this range. Q: Is scoring 90 percentile in CAT easy? A: 90 percentile is not difficult to score in CAT.

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What is the total score of CAT exam?

What is CAT score? 1 The CAT question paper carries 100 questions from Quantitative Ability (34), Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (34) and Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation (32). 2 The total marks of CAT exam is 300. 3 There is no negative marking for unanswered questions and non-MCQs.