Tips and tricks

Is my retainer supposed to hurt when I first get it?

Is my retainer supposed to hurt when I first get it?

Do retainers hurt? At first, it may feel a bit uncomfortable to wear a retainer because your mouth simply isn’t used to it. After a few days, however, any pressure and discomfort should subside and you should forget that you’re even wearing your retainer.

Is it normal for my retainer to hurt?

When you wear a retainer for any reason, certain teeth may feel pressure and might even feel sore for the first few days. If you experience this, don’t worry — it’s completely normal. Retainers can help many mouth problems besides shifting teeth. Sometimes they’re used to help a medical problem.

When will retainers stop hurting?

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It’s natural for your retainer to hurt for at least the first day after being fitted, as your mouth adjusts to the novel sensation. Discomfort typically only lasts for four to five days – a week at most. If your retainer is causing you discomfort beyond this, it’s best to book a consult with your orthodontist.

Can I wear retainer without braces?

You can’t simply wear a retainer to sleep every night or use someone else’s retainer to straighten your teeth without braces. If your teeth are only slightly crooked or crowded, your dentist may recommend a fixed retainer instead of a full set of braces.

Should you wear retainers if they don’t fit?

Should I Wear My Retainer if It Doesn’t Fit? If you have to force your retainer to fit, you shouldn’t wear it: forcing a retainer that doesn’t fit could damage your teeth or the retainer.

Do retainers push teeth back?

So the answer to the question, “can retainers move teeth back?” is yes, sometimes. If your retainer doesn’t fit snugly or causes pain, be sure to schedule an appointment with your dental professional for their recommendation.

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Why do my retainers smell so bad?

Just like on your teeth, plaque, tartar, and bacteria can build up on the surface of your retainer. This build-up contributes to the bad smell you may experience. While brushing and flossing your teeth are important to keep these things in check, regular cleaning of your retainer is also important.

Are my retainers supposed to hurt my gums?

Wearing braces or retainers can make your gums more vulnerable . Sometimes, food particles can become lodged inside or around them, which, if not cleaned away, may lead to the build-up of plaque bacteria, one of the main causes of bleeding gums.

Why do my retainers hurt my teeth?

Retainers are designed to keep the teeth stable and typically do not hurt. If there is discomfort it may be typical for a night or two due to stabilization factor of the teeth. However this should not be a pain feeling. There may be an area of the retainer that is causing too much pressure on your gums or teeth.

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Are retainers supposed to hurt?

Wearing a retainer should not hurt as retainers are worn after active orthodontic/braces treatment. The main purpose of the retainers are to hold the tooth in its new position while the bone settles down. The retainers can become painful if you skip wearing them for days or weeks.

What to do if your retainers feel tight?

Have you been neglecting to wear your retainer,and now it doesn’t fit? Learn what to do.

  • Get Helpful Tools. If your Invisalign retainer is just a little too tight,you can try using special tools to get it on and off.
  • Wear Your Retainer More.
  • Get a New Retainer Made.