
Is it better to be clean-shaven for an interview?

Is it better to be clean-shaven for an interview?

Conventional wisdom calls for men to have a clean shaven face when applying for jobs or during an interview. This means no sideburns, chin whiskers, goatees or beards. Some corporate jobs are very conservative with strict guidelines involving dress codes and appearance.

Is clean-shaven more professional?

In fact, studies show that men with mustaches are more likely to be hired at job interviews and make 8.2 percent more than men sporting beards and 4.3 percent more than clean-shaven men. A more recent study of HR professionals, commissioned by Gillette, found a strong preference for “well-groomed” candidates.

Is having a beard bad for an interview?

Traditionally, shaving before a job interview would always have been recommended, as the clean-shaven look was seen as the smartest option. But times are changing, and it’s now recognised that a beard or moustache can help you to express yourself, and in turn boost your confidence.

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Are beards Professional 2020?

The overall verdict is that beards are still in for 2020 — but in a less-scruffy, more well-groomed way than before. Facial hair trends change quickly – read on to decide where you land on the beard vs clean-shaven spectrum.

Are beards professional?

While a traditional white-collar office isn’t the first place you’d think of seeing beards, facial hair can actually help in sales and business. Studies show that people view men with beards as more aggressive, dominant and confident, which are often considered strong qualities in a sales or businessman.

Should I keep my beard for a job interview?

Whether or not you decide to keep your beard, present yourself as a professional during an interview. For men this means having clean, pressed professional attire. Getting a haircut before the interview is essential and nails should be clipped and cleaned.

Should you shave before a job interview?

Even though beards are popular, the prevailing wisdom is that shaved faces best serve customer-facing jobs. We can’t tell you why it’s that way, but it’s a safe bet that you should shave before an interview for one of those positions — especially if it’s sales or client-related. What Kind of Beard Is OK? Not all beards are created equal.

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How to deal with facial hair when going to an interview?

Stubble is an easy and smart way to deal with facial hair if it’s all about going to an interview. Stubble refers to a beard that is very short and well-maintained. This type of beard will make your look more manly and the employers should not have any problem with full stubble.

What does your beard style say about your personality?

A beard style can talk about the personality of the patron. If one has a beard that is not clean and well-groomed, the employer may think of him as a lazy and more casual person. That is not a good attribute of an employee. So, watch out for your beard style before going to attend the next interview.