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What does Renly look like in the books?

What does Renly look like in the books?

Renly, the youngest of the three Baratheons, is also the most handsome. The book describes him as looking very much like Robert did in his youth, with a similar height and long, black hair. Like a younger Robert, he also doesn’t have a beard.

Is Renly Baratheon alive in the books?

Renly Baratheon is the Lord of Storm’s End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands….Renly Baratheon.

Renly by Amok
Successor Stannis Baratheon (Lord of Storm’s End) Kevan Lannister (master of laws)
Culture(s) Stormlander
Born In 277 AC, at Storm’s End
Died In 299 AC (aged 21), at Storm’s End

How much older is Robert than Stannis?

The prologue chapter of A Clash of Kings shows the age of Stannis to be 34, not yet 35, making him anywhere between one and two years younger than Robert.

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Why was Renly Baratheon killed?

The assassination of Renly Baratheon was an event during the War of the Five Kings. It was the direct result of the failed parley between claimants to the Iron Throne, Stannis Baratheon and Renly Baratheon, the brothers of Robert Baratheon.

How many brothers does Renly Baratheon have?

Renly has two older brothers Robert and Stannis. Their parents died when the boys were young and Robert inherited his father’s titles. Robert led a rebellion against King Aerys II Targaryen, deposing and replacing him as the King on the Iron Throne.

Who claims the Iron Throne after Robert Baratheon’s death?

Following Robert’s death, his brothers Stannis and Renly claim the Iron Throne for themselves. They both know Robert’s official heir, Joffrey Baratheon, is not actually Robert’s son, but a bastard born of incest between Cersei and Jaime .

Why is Renly Baratheon called the king in Highgarden?

For his personal sigil, Renly altered the original colors of the sigil of House Baratheon. Instead of the black crowned stag on a yellow field, Renly’s banner displays a golden crowned stag on a field of green, a nod to the color scheme of his new wife’s powerful family, House Tyrell. He is known as “The King in Highgarden” because of the alliance.