
Does a bullet have momentum?

Does a bullet have momentum?

The momentum imparted to the bullet by the gun is what makes a gun able to do so much damage. The momentum of an object equals its mass times its velocity. It is the bullet traveling at high velocity that does the damage. Any object that is given the same momentum as a fired bullet can do just as much damage.

What is the change in momentum of the bullet?

The change in momentum of the bullet is ∆p = pf = pi = (0.03 kg)*(600 m/s) = 18 kgm/s. The momentum changes in ∆t = 2*10-3 s.

What happens when momentum of a body changes?

Newton’s second law states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the force applied, and this change in momentum takes place in the direction of the applied force. If an object changes velocity, its momentum will change.

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What force does the bullet apply on the target?

Kinetic Energy Of The Bullet The bullet whistles through the air, fighting it are the forces of momentum and gravity, push and pull. Finally hitting its mark, the bullet imparts kinetic energy to the target equivalent to half of its mass multiplied by its velocity squared.

How powerful is a bullet?

A 180-grain (12 g) bullet fired from . 357 magnum handgun can achieve a muzzle energy of 580 foot-pounds force (790 J). A 110-grain (7.1 g) bullet fired from the same gun might only achieve 400 foot-pounds force (540 J) of muzzle energy, depending upon the manufacture of the cartridge.

What is the momentum of the gun and bullet after firing?

The gun and the bullet are both at rest, so the momenta (mv) of the gun and the bullet are both zero. So, the total momentum of the system before the bullet is fired is zero.

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What is true momentum?

Momentum is a conserved quantity; the momentum of an object is never changed. The momentum of an object varies directly with the speed of the object. Two objects of different mass are moving at the same speed; the more massive object will have the greatest momentum.

What does ∆ P mean?

∆p = change in momentum F = applied force ∆t = elapsed time F∆t is called the impulse. Work, Energy, and Power.

Why does it hurt more when you fall on concrete floor than a wooden floor?

A concrete floor “gives”less than a wooden floor. Both floors provide the same impulse – the amount of force needed to bring your body to zero. If contact time is less for a concrete floor, the amount of force exerted must be greater to give the same impulse.

How much force do you need to stop a bullet?

About 250 feet per second (76 m/s) velocity is required for an expanded hollow point bullet to puncture skin 50\% of the time.