What is the difference between OpenCV 2 and 3?

What is the difference between OpenCV 2 and 3?

The key difference is transparent API in OpenCV 3.0. Almost all OpenCV 3.0 methods are OpenCL accelerated. So, all methods could run on GPU and this could lead to improvement from 10 to 230\%. Only change in required in your code is to use UMat where you used to use Mat .

What is the latest stable version of OpenCV?


Original author(s) Intel Corporation, Willow Garage, Itseez
Stable release 4.5.4 / 9 October 2021
Repository github.com/opencv/opencv
Written in C/C++
Operating system Cross-platform

What is the latest version of OpenCV python?


Should I use OpenCV?

OpenCV is a great tool for image processing and performing computer vision tasks. It is an open-source library that can be used to perform tasks like face detection, objection tracking, landmark detection, and much more. It supports multiple languages including python, java C++.

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Which OpenCV version is best?

If you’re working with Image Processing,hands down OpenCV 3 is way better(The latest stable version 3.4 was released around Feb 2018). Significant differences that you will find between 3 and 2 are: T-API or Transparent API has been introduced in OpenCV 3.

How do you use surf on OpenCV?

SURF in OpenCV

  1. >>> img = cv.imread(‘fly.png’,0) # Create SURF object.
  2. # Check present Hessian threshold. >>> print( surf.getHessianThreshold() )
  3. # Check upright flag, if it False, set it to True. >>> print( surf.getUpright() )
  4. # Find size of descriptor. >>> print( surf.descriptorSize() )

What version of OpenCV should I use?

If you do not have to depend on earlier versions, and want to use OpenCV with Python, choose the latest stable version. Today it is OpenCV 2.3. 1. The major benefit of OpenCV ≥ 2.3 for Python users: a new cv2 module in addition to the old (backwards compatible) cv module.

Is OpenCV AI?

OAK-1 and OAK-D are tiny AI and vision powerhouses. Both models are have MIT-licensed open source software and Myriad X-based hardware, as well as 4K/30 12MP camera. OAK-D also provides spatial AI leveraging stereo depth. They are also both absurdly easy to use.

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Is OpenCV free for commercial use?

OpenCV is the leading open source library for computer vision, image processing and machine learning, and now features GPU acceleration for real-time operation. OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use.

Which Python version works well with OpenCV?

2 Answers. Install python 3.7 with anaconda package and use this command to install opencv.

What version of OpenCV should I install?

If you want to work with cv2, installing OpenCV versions > 3 is fine – unless you’re looking for specific compatibility with older versions or are a fan of the 2.4.x versions. The switch from 2.4.x to 3.x was in 2015 and in terms of features, speed and transparency, it makes much sense to use the newer versions.

How to fix OpenCV is not working in Python?

If that is not an option, fall back to an earlier version of OpenCV that does not have dll dependencies, you can do that by: pip install opencv-python= If the problem still persists try using Dependency walker to find out where specifically your problems stem from and then try fixing them individually.

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What version of OpenCV can Anaconda fetch?

Anaconda can fetch only OpenCV 2.4, that might not suit your versions. You should try install OpenCV this way This can happen if you are using windows 10 N distribution, the N distributions does not come pre installed with windows media feature pack, which is required after OpenCV version 3.4 and onwards.

How can I improve the performance of OpenCV?

Intel Integrated Performance Primitives ( IPP) may be used to improve the performance of color conversion, Haar training and DFT functions of the OpenCV library. Watch out, since this is not a free service. OpenCV offers a somewhat fancier and more useful graphical user interface, than the default one by using the Qt framework.