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Why does Germany have a higher population?

Why does Germany have a higher population?

Because Germany has for centuries had a profusion of states (each with towns and cities), its population is more widely dispersed than that of countries, such as France, in which centralization occurred early.

Is Germany more populated than France?

Population of Europe in 2021, by country The next largest countries in terms of their population size were Turkey at 85 million, Germany at 83.9 million , the United Kingdom at 68 million, and France at 65.47 million.

Why is France’s population so low?

France has double the land area of the UK but roughly the same population, so is generally less densely populated. Urban and rural patterns. This means that more people arrive to live in France (Immigrate) that people leave to live elsewhere (Emigrate).

Why is the population of Germany decreasing?

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German population shrinks by 40.000 Instead, it is the pandemic’s effect on global migration which is the most probable reason for this decline. However, the spread of the virus has made international travel harder, and the number of people migrating to Germany dropped dramatically in the first half of 2020.

Which EU country has the smallest population?

Vatican City
The least populous country in Europe is Vatican City with just over 800 residents. It’s also the smallest internationally recognized independent state in the world, both in area and population. Vatican City is a landlocked city-state with a territory consisting of a walled enclave within Rome, Italy.

Which country is the most populated in Europe?

European Countries by population (2021)

# Country (or dependency) Net Change
1 Russia 62,206
2 Germany 266,897
3 United Kingdom 355,839
4 France 143,783

Why is France’s population increasing?

There are numerous reasons for the projected rise in France’s population including immigration – net migration is currently 70,000 a year. By 2050 average life-expectancy for women will be 90.3 in France compared to 85 in 2013, while for men it will be 86.8 years compared to 78.7 in 2013.

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Is France becoming overpopulated?

According to current projections, France’s population is expected to reach its peak at 67.68 million people in 2045, after which it will decline slowly back down to 65.55 million people by the end of the century. In the past ten years, France’s population growth rate has decreased significantly to 0.22\%.

Why does Germany have the lowest birth rate?

Europe’s largest economy used to have one of the lowest fertility rates in the region as conservative social norms and policies made it hard for women to reconcile families and work, crimping economic growth and compounding Germany’s labour shortage as baby boomers retire.

Is Germany’s population increasing or decreasing?

Until a small, covid-induced decline last year, the German population rose steadily over the 2010s, reaching a record 83.2m in 2019. This was the result of high net immigration, running at an annual average of 400,000, mainly from southern and eastern Europe.

How did the population of France and Germany change over time?

In order to understand how those different paths accumulated over the years, just notice that Germany’s population in 1800 is estimated to have been around 21 million, while France’s approached 27 million. In 1930, the German population had reached 65 million people, while the French one was still approaching 42 million.

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Was France “destined” to be less populated than Germany or the UK?

France is slowly closing the gap and with Germany’s population shrinking it is even likely that France surpasses Germany’s population numbers eventually. In sum, we can say that France was not “destined” to be less populated than Germany or the UK.

Why does Germany have such a large population?

Germany has a huge population today thanks to Ostsiedlung (settling the east). In overly simple terms, the population of Germans grew on lands outside modern day Germany and then for various reasons ended up back in modern day Germany.

How big is France compared to other EU countries?

France is a large country, largest in the EU. Roughly around 650000 km2. Population distribution is slightly different then Britain as UK is half the size, less than half!. Germany is Britain and Ireland put together in size.