
Can there be life in another galaxy give reasons?

Can there be life in another galaxy give reasons?

Existence of life on an other galaxy cannot be possible as the most common species the animals and the humans, need food and water to survive, which is difficult on any other planet or galaxy.

How many sentient species are in the galaxy?

20 million sentient species
In the Star Wars universe, there have been more than 20 million sentient species known in the galaxy. In the Milky Way, humans are the most populous and politically dominant species (at least, as far as we know).

Does every galaxy have life?

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Generally, they conclude, life is possible only in the outer regions of large galaxies. (Our own solar system is about 27,000 light-years from the center.) Things are even bleaker in other galaxies, the researchers report. Compared with the Milky Way, most galaxies are small and low in metallicity.

How long did it take for intelligent life to develop on Earth?

1 million years
Planetary scientist Pascal Lee of the SETI Institute proposes that this fraction is very low (0.0002). He based this estimate on how long it took Earth to develop intelligent life (1 million years since Homo erectus evolved, compared to 4.6 billion years since Earth formed).

How close can humans get to the sun?

You can get surprisingly close. The sun is about 93 million miles away from Earth, and if we think of that distance as a football field, a person starting at one end zone could get about 95 yards before burning up. That said, an astronaut so close to the sun is way, way out of position.

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What are the chances of life on another planet?

The Kepler mission —a space observatory launched by NASA in 1997 to search our galaxy for just these kinds of Earth-like planets—has found one candidate that meets both requirements, Kepler-452b. So the chances of life on another planet are high. However, we have no direct evidence yet of life anywhere other than Earth.

Will scientists ever find life on other planets?

It’s most likely that scientists will find evidence of life in our own solar system first, beyond Earth. But, that search requires more missions to other places, such as Mars, Europa, and Enceladus. That discovery may come about much faster than the discovery of life on worlds around other stars.

What is life in the galaxy about?

It’s also about finding places that are hospitable to life in all its many forms. Those forms may be like the life that exists on Earth, or they could be very different. Understanding the conditions in the galaxy that enable the chemicals of life to assemble together in just the right way.

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What are the conditions for life on other planets?

On some, conditions for life could be quite good. Some worlds, however, orbit too close to their star, or too far away. The best chances for finding life lie in the so-called “habitable zones”. These are regions around the parent star where liquid water, which is necessary for life, could exist.