
What war is Battlefield 1 based on?

What war is Battlefield 1 based on?

World War I
Gameplay. Similar to its predecessors, Battlefield 1 is a first-person shooter game that emphasizes teamwork. It is set in the period of World War I, and is inspired by historical events.

Are the names in Battlefield 1 real?

Above: You may love Battlefield 1 for its multiplayer, but EA wants you to buy it for its characters. Battlefield 1 is fictional, but it is based on real events. While Bedouin fighter Zara is a fictional character, she is based on real women who served in the Arab revolt against the Ottomans.

Are bf1 weapons realistic?

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But how realistic are the weapons in Battlefield 1? It turns out — pretty realistic for a game of this sort. But there are a couple of odd anachronisms. It’s also possible that the developers hoped to recreate the success of the excellent multiplayer game Verdun, which recreates the eponymous 1916 battle.

How do I get a Tank Hunter kit?

The Tank Hunter is an Elite Kit featured in Battlefield 1. The kit is obtained via a wooden crate found in fixed locations on certain maps, similar to Battle Pickups from Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline.

What are elites in bf1?

The Elite Classes are special pick-ups that you can find while wandering around the map. These special Classes act like Hero Units. They get increased health, defence and a custom weapon that’s only available to that class.

Is Battlefield 1 based on ww1 or ww2?

Battlefield 1, which publisher Electronic Arts unveiled today on a global Twitch stream, is set during World War I. Occurring before EA’s Battlefield 1942, which came out in 2002, this new entry is the earliest wartime game in the shooter series.

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Are Battlefield 1 war stories?

The singleplayer campaign of Battlefield 1 takes place during World War 1 across six different “War Stories” which revolve around different people in different aspects of the Great War in campaigns such as the Italian Alps and the deserts of Arabia.

What is the tank hunter package Battlefield 1?

The Tank Hunter Tank Package is a Vehicle Package featured in Battlefield 1 for the Mark V Landship. A heavier response to the threats posed by the A7V and FT-17. Similar to the Tank Hunter Elite Kit, the driver has access to a single shot Tankgewehr M1918 with unlimited rounds and a much shorter cooldown than the 57mm Cannon .

What does a tank hunter kit look like?

Equipped with a Tankgewehr M1918, a high-velocity, single-shot rifle, this kit is centered around anti-armor and can critically damage vehicles. The Tank Hunter also carries a Sawed-Off Shotgun, a Trench Periscope, two Anti-Tank Grenades, and a common club .

Are there any historically accurate campaigns in Battlefield 1?

The only truly historically accurate campaign (besides the prologue) in Battlefield 1 is Nothing is Written. Not because it concerns Zara, who, by the way, was either unknown by the real Lawrence or didn’t exist, but because of the strategies used by the Bedouins, and Lawrence himself. The “Canavar”, or armored train, did indeed exist.

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What is the best tank in Battlefield 1?

Battlefield 1 1 FT-17 Light Tank 2 A7V Heavy Tank 3 Mark V Landship 4 Artillery Truck 5 St Chamond Assault Tank 6 Char 2C Behemoth 7 Putilov-Garford Assault Truck