
How much does it cost to remove wisdom teeth in Hyderabad?

How much does it cost to remove wisdom teeth in Hyderabad?

Oral & Maxillofacial Prosthodontics
Normal Tooth Removal 1500 – 2500 INR
Non surgical( wisdom tooth removal) 3500 – 4000 INR
Surgical( wisdom tooth removal) 5500 – 7000 INR

Is wisdom tooth extraction painless?

A wisdom tooth extraction, in experienced hands, is a generally quick and painless procedure. Before it starts, I will ensure you are fully numb so you won’t feel anything. Most of my patients at the end of the procedure are surprised at how quick and painless the procedure was.

Is wisdom tooth removal free?

If you can’t afford to have a wisdom tooth extracted, consider these options: You might be able to find a free dental clinic that takes emergency appointments for people who don’t have dental insurance or who have little money. Some dental offices offer payment plans or a dental savings plan that offers discounted fees.

Is it safe to remove wisdom teeth?

Myth 1: Extracting Wisdom Teeth Is Dangerous In Reality: While wisdom teeth extraction is a type of surgery and there are risks to all surgeries, removing wisdom teeth is a common and fairly safe procedure. Usually patients having their wisdom teeth removed don’t have any complications.

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How much does it cost to remove wisdom teeth without insurance?

The average total cost of wisdom teeth removal without insurance ranges from: Simple Extraction — $75-$200 (per tooth) $300-$1000 (all four) Surgical Extraction (Soft Tissue Impaction) — $225-$600 (per tooth) $800-$1800 (all four) Surgical Extraction (Bony Impaction) — $250-$500 (per tooth) $1000-$2300 (all four)

Do all wisdom teeth need to be extracted?

Even if all four wisdom teeth show no signs of infection, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) will recommend extracting them. If only one wisdom tooth is painful or infected, all four teeth will likely require extraction. However, patients always have the choice to keep their wisdom teeth.

What percentage of people have their wisdom teeth removed?

However, 60 percent of people undergo wisdom teeth removal surgery. Both oral surgeons and general dentists are qualified to remove wisdom teeth. In most cases, wisdom teeth are removed before they erupt. Extraction is usually necessary because there is not enough room in the mouth for them to erupt correctly.

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How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth extraction?

The recovery period for wisdom tooth extraction comprises of three to four days. Bleeding of the surgical area needs to stop within 24 hours post operation. If the bleeding continues beyond this time period, you will need to visit your dentist immediately.