What was the result of the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s?

What was the result of the war in Afghanistan in the 1980s?

The war in Afghanistan became a quagmire for what by the late 1980s was a disintegrating Soviet Union. The Soviet withdrawal was completed on February 15, 1989, and Afghanistan returned to nonaligned status.

Why did the Soviets leave Afghanistan after 10 years of fighting?

Three objectives were viewed by Gorbachev as conditions needed for withdrawal: internal stability, limited foreign intervention, and international recognition of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan’s Communist government.

What has been the worst US and UK intervention in Afghanistan?

The worst it has suffered is the decimation of its senior figures by US drones, to absolutely no effect. Afghanistan will need these people to contain another product of Nato intervention: the country is now a focus of Islamic State activity. What has the US and UK intervention achieved?

Should nations celebrate victory in Afghanistan?

Nations celebrate victories, not defeats. Twenty years ago the United States decided to relieve its 9/11 agony not just by blasting Osama bin Laden’s base in the Afghan mountains, but by toppling the entire Afghan regime. This was despite young Taliban moderates declaring Bin Laden an “unwelcome guest” and the regime demanding he leave.

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What has been the cost of America’s invasion of Afghanistan?

America’s 2,300 troops and their air support will now leave, as will Britain’s 750 (as one senior UK defence source told the Guardian: “If they [the US] go, we’ll all have to go,”). For the US, the cost has been high: 2,216 dead and more than $2tn spent. Billions in “aid” are said to have left Afghanistan, much of it to the Dubai property market.

What has been the cost of aid to Afghanistan?

Billions in “aid” are said to have left Afghanistan, much of it to the Dubai property market. The cost to Afghan civilians has been appalling, put at between 50,000 and 100,000 deaths over the two decades, all in retaliation for “hosting” the 9/11 attackers.