
Can the same paper be published twice?

Can the same paper be published twice?

If an author publishes the same article twice, he or she is guilty not only of the misconduct of duplicate publication, but also of plagiarism; this time, the author has plagiarized himself or herself. Thus, it is also a case of self-plagiarism.

Is it bad to publish in the same journal?

Answer: Ideally, it is acceptable to publish multiple papers in the same journal. But the journal you chose to submit your paper must be of high scientific value and a good impact factor. It will bring value to your literary works if you publish your papers in a journal with good readership and citation counts.

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Can I publish the same article in two websites?

In fact, since sites like unique content tailored to their audience, many sites prefer submitting a pitch rather than submitting a post in its entirety. Absolutely nothing is wrong with submitting the same pitch to multiple sites.

Is it better to publish in different journals?

Publishing in Different Journals (Diverse) May be seen as a fair and just author without using connections. May gain more manuscript writing and submission experience. Research may be seen as having more credibility or trust from more editors.

Why is duplicate submission bad?

Duplicate publication often results in the violation of copyright. Most journals require authors to sign a transfer of copyright as part of manuscript submission. Once authors sign a transfer of copyright and the manuscript is accepted for publication, the work is no longer the authors’ property.

Can you publish content in three sites?

Absolutely you can, with 1 stipulation. You need to make sure you add a canonical tag that tells Google which content is the original content.

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What is wrong with duplicate publication?

Duplicate publications are highly unethical and have been widely condemned. It is time and resource wasting for the readers, peer reviewers, and editors and unnecessarily saturates the literature with redundant results. This undermines the integrity of the scientific literature as a whole.

Can I submit the same paper to more than one journal?

No, you cannot submit the same paper to more than one journal at the same time. This is known as simultaneous or concurrent submission and is considered as an unethical practice.

Is it ethical to publish the same paper in multiple journals?

(more)Loading…. It may be possible to publish the same or similar paper in multiple scientific journals if journal editors or reviewers do not check whether the same or similar paper has been published elsewhere, but it is definitely NOT ethical if done intentionally to boost one’s publication record.

Can I submit a pre-submission inquiry to more than one journal?

You have to wait till the editorial decision making process is over at one journal. If your paper is rejected, you can submit it to another journal. However, if you want to save time, you can send pre-submission inquiries to several journals at the same time.

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Are the two papers on the same topic the same?

The two papers are on the same topic but are slightly different. I am the corresponding author for both although the first authors are different in each case. However, I feel like this is not right and it can be a disadvantage.