
What are 3 popular movies in the 1960s?

What are 3 popular movies in the 1960s?

Top 100 Movies of the 1960s

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) G | 149 min | Adventure, Sci-Fi.
  • Psycho (1960) R | 109 min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller.
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
  • Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
  • Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
  • Dr.
  • Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
  • The Apartment (1960)

What movie makes men cry the most?

20 Movies That Make Grown Men Cry

  1. Jerry Maguire. It’s not often that a movie appeals to fans of ‘chick flick’ and sports movies in equal measure…
  2. Gladiator.
  3. Bambi.
  4. Dead Poets Society.
  5. Marley & Me.
  6. Million Dollar Baby.
  7. Wall-E.
  8. Good Will Hunting.

What kind of movies were popular in the 1960’s?

Traditional genres, like the gangster, thriller, war, horror, and western film portrayed more graphic violence and adult content.

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Does Bambi make you cry?

Bambi was named the biggest tearjerker of all, being chosen by 38 per cent of respondents, most likely because of an emotional early scene in which the titular deer loses a loved one. And while the classic animation was chosen most often by women, for men it was the Pixar movie Up which they said had them bawling.

Why were movies important in the 1960s?

Cinema in the 1960s reflected the decade of fun, fashion, rock ‘n’ roll, tremendous social changes (i.e., the civil rights era and marches) and transitional cultural values.

What was the number one movie in 1960?

Swiss Family Robinson
Top Grossing Movies of 1960

Rank Movie 1960 Gross
1 Swiss Family Robinson $40,400,000
2 Psycho $32,000,000
3 Spartacus $28,653,527
4 Exodus $21,750,000

How did cinema change in the 1960s?

At the same time, American cinema underwent radical change as well. The studio system crumbled, and the Production Code was replaced by a new ratings system. Hollywood movies became more cynical, violent, and sexually explicit, reflecting the changing values of the time.