Tips and tricks

Does depression mean you are weak minded?

Does depression mean you are weak minded?

It is not a sign of weakness or laziness to be depressed. Depression is a real and serious condition. It is not much different than a chronic health condition in its ability to impact someone’s life. It can have both emotional and physical symptoms and make life very difficult for those who have it.

Can depression change your brain?

Depression, especially when it goes untreated, can actually change the brain, making episodes worse or more frequent. It also impacts the body and physical health, causing fatigue, digestive issues, pain, and other complications related to the poor decisions made when in a depressed mood.

Can you have depression and still be mentally strong?

Yes, You Can Have Depression and Still Be Mentally Strong There’s an unfortunate myth that says mental illness stems from weakness. Posted April 1, 2017 Share

What are the positive effects of being depressed?

You’re stronger, more focused, and know that you have a much bigger purpose in life. Depression kills your old self to make way for a better and more mature person. “Depression may take away a chapter from your life, but it also adds a new one to it.

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Can depression change your thinking skills?

But depression can be sneaky, causing subtle changes in thinking skills that you may not attribute to the condition. “Very often, one of the first signs of depression in people ages 70 or older is a change in thinking,” says Dr. Helen Farrell, a psychiatrist with Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Are people with depression stronger than people with diabetes?

Just like someone who has diabetes can still be physically strong, a person with depression could be highly mentally strong. After all, someone with a mental illness has several complicating factors that make it even more difficult to develop mental muscle.