What does Indonesia do for Australia?

What does Indonesia do for Australia?

Trade with Indonesia represents 2\% of Australia’s total trade. The Indonesia–Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, signed in 2019, removes tariffs from nearly all bilateral trade between the two countries.

Who can declare war in Australia?

Under the Australian Constitution, former royal prerogatives—including the power to make war, deploy troops and declare peace—are part of the executive power of the Commonwealth. Executive power is recognised in section 61 of the Constitution.

Why did Indonesia come to Australia?

Beginning in 1942, thousands of Indonesians fled the Japanese occupation of Indonesia and took refuge in Australia. Large numbers of Chinese Indonesians began migrating to Australia in the late 1990s, fleeing the political and economic turmoil in the aftermath of the May 1998 riots and the subsequent fall of Suharto.

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Why is there no war in Australia?

Australia’s history is different from that of many other nations in that since the first coming of the Europeans and their dispossession of the Aboriginals, Australia has not experienced a subsequent invasion; no war has since been fought on Australian soil.

Can you be forced to go to war in Australia?

Australia currently only has provisions for conscription during times of war when authorised by the governor-general and approved within 90 days by both houses of parliament as outlined in Part IV of the Defence Act 1903.

Did Australia declare war on emus?

Australia in 1932 declared a war against emus, as about 20,000 emus began occupying farmland, which was intended for WWI veterans. The Ministry of Defence deployed soldiers and provided machine guns to annihilate the birds.

What do Australian think of Indonesia?

According to the survey, only 39 percent of Australians believe “Indonesia is a democracy”, although the world recognizes Indonesia as the world’s third-largest democracy after India and the United States. The survey also found that only 30 percent of Australians trust Indonesia to act responsibly in the world.

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Did Australia have a war against kangaroos?

The Emu War, also known as the Great Emu War, was a nuisance wildlife management military operation undertaken in Australia over the later part of 1932 to address public concern over the number of emus said to be running amok in the Campion district of Western Australia.

Is Indonesia the laziest country?

The least active country, and thus the laziest, was Indonesia, averaging 3,513 steps a day. The global average steps per day was 4,961, with America falling just below average at 4,774 steps per day.

What would happen if Australia tried to invade Indonesia?

If allies are involved, Indonesia losses very quickly. Lets assume allies are not involved, invading anyone else is not allowed but access to the global market is. If Australia attempted an invasion of Indonesia the landing forces would be utterly destroyed.

How does the Australian Navy compare to the Indonesian Navy?

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Indonesia has a lot more ships but they are older and inferior, offensively on paper the two navies are closely matched but the overwhelmingly majority of Indonesia’s ships are effectively defenceless. Australia can field an effective and coordinated air/sea/sub force in a way that Indonesia can’t with the tools available.

Can Australia take out Indonesia’s Air Force?

Taking out all of Indonesia’s airforce should cost the Australian’s 10\% of it’s fighters or less. Because Australia has air superiority, they can operate their Orion aircraft (intelligence/anti sea/anti sub planes) with impunity. Which is important when we compare naval strength of the two nations.

What is the difference between Australia and Indonesia?

Australia is basically a very large hot plate grill with people living on the fringes. Indonesia is a stretched archipelago with a lot of people who could become angry very quickly (ask the British and the Indians, who tried to occupy it after WWII, but were chased out by hoodlums armed with bamboo spears..