
What is the race/ethnicity of the child?

What is the race/ethnicity of the child?

Race information is given by the parents before a birth certificate is issued. The child’s race/ethnicity is not filled out when registering their birth, instead, it is calculated based on the parents’ self-stated race and Hispanic origin status of the mother.

What race would a biracial child identify with?

A biracial child would identify with both races. For instance, the child of a Caucasian mother and an African-American father would identify as someone who belongs to both of those races.

Can a child be the product of two different races mixing?

The child is biracial or multiracial. It would be silly to suggest that the product of two races mixing would be one of those two races and not the other. Forget anything you’ve heard about “race passing from the mother.” That is obviously not accurate. There are many famous people who have a black father and a white mother.

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Who are some famous people with a black father and white mother?

There are many famous people who have a black father and a white mother. Barack Obama, Tim Duncan, the rapper Drake, Alicia Keys , Halle Berry and many others. Commonly, these people are referred to as black, but that is only one half of their ancestry.

How is race determined on a US birth certificate?

In order to properly explain the way race is determined on a US birth certificate, we must first go over a few details: A citizen’s birth details are recorded on their Certificate of Live Birth when their birth is registered by the hospital.

What race would I be if my parents are Mexican-Americans?

If your parents are Mexican-Americans, then you would likely be classified as “ Hispanic or Latino origin ” but might also be something else, if for instance your parents are from Mexico but descended from another region. Race is typically considered to be either black or white.

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How does Iowa define race vs ethnicity?

Here is what the state of Iowa uses to define Race versus Ethnicity: You would be “White” or Caucasian for race, and Hispanic for ethnicity.