
Why does smelly stuff come out of my belly button?

Why does smelly stuff come out of my belly button?

Dirt, bacteria, fungus, and germs can get trapped inside your belly button and start to multiply, which can cause an infection. If you develop a belly button infection, you might notice white, yellow, brown, or bloody discharge seeping out of it. That discharge might also have an unpleasant smell.

Can a smelly belly button be serious?

The most common cause for a belly button smell is poor hygiene. All areas of the body need to be washed regularly to stay clean and healthy. Skin is home to trillions of bacteria, which develop naturally and are usually harmless.

How do I clean my deep belly button?

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Dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and gently rub the surfaces inside your bellybutton. If the swab gets dirty, throw it away and start a new one. Once the cotton swab comes out clean, use a fresh one dipped in water to rinse the alcohol out of your bellybutton so it doesn’t dry your skin.

Can I use hydrogen peroxide to clean my belly button?

Here are the steps: Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you can use water, a saltwater solution, or hydrogen peroxide to clean your belly button. Dip one side of a cotton swab into a cleansing agent and gently wipe your belly button.

How do you get rid of a yeast infection in your belly button?

Yeast infection Along with a white discharge, candidiasis can cover your navel with an itchy, red rash. Treatment: Use an antifungal cream such as miconazole nitrate (Micatin, Monistat-Derm) or clotrimazole (Lotrimin, Mycelex), and keep your navel clean and dry.

Why is there gunk in my belly button?

As dead skin cells and sebum — the oil secreted by your skin — accumulate in your bellybutton, they can form an omphalolith over time. Also known as a navel stone, they’re made of the same materials that form blackheads.

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Why does my belly button smell like stinky cheese?

Most innies are full of dozens of kinds of bacteria, fungi, and lint — especially if they’re on a hairy belly. If a navel gets infected, it might also have a foul-smelling, cheese-like liquid inside. Speaking of cheese, a biologist teamed up with an artist in 2013 to create cheese using belly button bacteria.

What does a yeast infection in your belly button look like?

A Candida yeast infection will often cause a rash in and around the affected area. The rash is usually itchy and red, and the discharge coming from the belly button will be thick and have an off-white color to it.

How do you clean a smelly belly button?

Frequent washing also removes germs. Using warm water and mild soap, use a washcloth to gently clean around and just inside the belly button. Rinse with clean, warm water and dry with a towel to make sure that all water has been removed from the belly button. Showering or bathing regularly can help to prevent skin problems and odor.

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Why does my belly button smell after washing?

Few people wash the belly button with soap so germs can develop. The most common cause for a belly button smell is poor hygiene. All areas of the body need to be washed regularly to stay clean and healthy. Skin is home to trillions of bacteria, which develop naturally and are usually harmless.

Do you have to wash your belly button in the shower?

A shower with plain old soap and water should remove lint, dirt, and some bacteria. You don’t need to scrub, but you should make sure the shower washes away obvious grime. If you have an “outtie,” lucky you: Your belly button is probably pretty clean.

How do you get rid of an infected belly button infection?

Soak a cotton ball in a mixture of antimicrobial hand soap and warm water, and gently wash your belly button with it. Try to keep the area clean and dry at all times. Avoid wearing tight clothing because it can irritate the infected area. If these methods aren’t effective, you may need to see your doctor.