
How do you find out when an edition of a book was published?

How do you find out when an edition of a book was published?

Look at the Copyright Page

  1. Look for the text that states the edition of the book. The copyright page is usually found on the back of the book’s title page.
  2. Check when the book was copyrighted and when it was published.
  3. Use the Number Line to Determine the Print.

How do you find out how many times a book has been published?

You can find out how many copies of a book or pamphlet are in libraries and archives through a service called WorldCat. WorldCat is the world’s largest bibliographic database; more than 71,000 libraries report their holdings to WorldCat.

What if a book has no copyright date?

There are a variety of reasons why a book may not list a copyright date. The book could be in the public domain for some reason. The copyright may have expired or the copyright owner may have released it to the public domain, or it may not have been eligible for federal copyright in the first place.

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How do I find the latest edition of a book?

Quite often your lecturer will recommend a specific edition or the “most up to date” edition. To find this, search for the book on the Library Catalogue and then sort the results by date – the most recently published edition will be at or near the top of the list.

How do you find where a book was published online?

Do a search for the book title on your local library’s website to find the publisher’s name and location. It will usually be listed below the title and author of the book. You can also access the Library of Congress online catalog to search for the publisher for the book.

Can I find out how many books sold?

If you want to find out how many print copies the book is selling, just click the Paperback or Hardcover edition of the book on Amazon, scroll down to Product Details on that page, and find the Amazon Best Sellers Rank for the print edition.

How do I find the print run of a book?

Print runs are the set number of copies of the book printed at one time. You can have a large print run or a small print run—it’s completely up to the publisher, and generally speaking the size of a print run isn’t shared with the public—but the print run number is easily found on the copyright page.

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How do I find the print number of a book?

One side of the number line is the the printing number, the other side is the year of that printing. Numbers and years are removed as the book continues through its course of sales. The left side of the number line indicates the years of publication and the right side the printing number.

How do you find the author of a book online?

Check the copyright page for the publisher’s name. The copyright page may appear on the back of the title page or on the following page. The copyright page will list the author’s full name and then the name of the publisher, usually at the top of the page.

How do I determine if a book is out of print?

If the book is out of print the website will indicate this. Contact the publisher with the name of the book and author. Inquire if the book is available and still in print. You can also contact the author through email via their website to see if they know if the book is available.

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Why do books go out of print?

An item goes out of print when a publisher does not reprint, re-press, or reissue after all copies have been sold to retailers. Reasons may include: intellectual property obstacles, such as the expiration of a publisher’s license to release content owned by another copyright holder.

What is the best search engine for books?

A9 Search on Amazon: A9 Product Search is a powerful product search engine created by Amazon.

  • BookSearch: Are you tired of waiting for that rare book to show up on Amazon?
  • allows you to compare the prices on over 150 million books available around the world.
  • What exactly does out of print mean?

    Out of print refers to an item, typically a book, but can include any print or visual medium or sound recording, that is no longer being published. The abbreviation OOP is a more general term that encompasses craft, hobby, toy, and collectable items that are out of production.