
What was so important about the Baroque period and music?

What was so important about the Baroque period and music?

Baroque music expanded the size, range, and complexity of instrumental performance, and also established opera, cantata, oratorio, concerto, and sonata as musical genres. Many musical terms and concepts from this era are still in use today.

What is the best contribution of renaissance period in the field of music?

In the Renaissance, music became a vehicle for personal expression. Composers found ways to make vocal music more expressive of the texts they were setting. Secular music absorbed techniques from sacred music, and vice versa. Popular secular forms such as the chanson and madrigal spread throughout Europe.

What are the characteristics of Baroque music how would you describe baroque music?

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long flowing melodic lines often using ornamentation (decorative notes such as trills and turns) contrast between loud and soft, solo and ensemble. a contrapuntal texture where two or more melodic lines are combined.

How does baroque music relate to baroque art?

ART: Compositions are often asymmetrical. MUSIC: Forms of the Baroque era grew directly from the dramatic nature of the music such as the opera, the oratorio and the cantata. These elaborate forms were elongated with a wide range in mood, tempo, texture, rhythm, dynamics and ornaments. ART: Strong emotional content.

How is Baroque music different from medieval and Renaissance?

Baroque musical genres include both vocals and instrumentals, with the only difference being they were quite larger in number of categories than those of in the renaissance era. Renaissance music consisted of smooth regular flow of rhythm while baroque music was comprised of a metrical rhythm with varied motion.

What influenced the Baroque period?

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The most important factors during the Baroque era were the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, with the development of the Baroque style considered to be linked closely with the Catholic Church.

What is the most important achievement of baroque music?

Baroque music expanded the size, range, and complexity of instrumental performance, and also established the mixed vocal/instrumental forms of opera, cantata and oratorio and the instrumental forms of the solo concerto and sonata as musical genres.

How did the Renaissance influence music today?

Renaissance music had an influence on many generations to come. Modern music theory had origins in the Renaissance. Music enriched plays and the first secular music came from the Renaissance. Chromatics, as used during the Renaissance, is used today in classical, and some rock and roll (Mainly in the soloist pieces).

What is the performance practice of Renaissance period?

Not only one way to perform music of this period; much freedom is allowed. Little or no distinction is found between instrumental and vocal styles; they are usually interchangeable. Need considerable knowledge of style, original instruments, etc.

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What influenced Baroque music?

The most important factors during the Baroque era were the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation ; the development of the Baroque style was considered to be closely linked with the Catholic Church. In music, the Baroque style makes up a large part of the classical canon, such as Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi.

How did Bach’s and Handel’s works contribute to the development of Baroque music?

In the 1740s, Bach composes the Goldberg Variations and A Musical Offering for Frederick the Great, and produces his Mass in B Minor. Handel composes Music for a Royal Fireworks and series of concertos (Opus 6, No. 1–12) that stand with Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos as the finest examples of the art.