
Which Veda related to technology?

Which Veda related to technology?

A Sloka in the 10th book of Rig Veda appears to be written for praising Lord Indra. The technical translation of that Sloka gives the value of pi up to 28 digits accurately. It is not until the invention of the computers that the western mathematicians could get this value up to 16 digits accurately.

What inventions did the Indians invent?

11 Great Inventions We Can Thank India For

  • The Zero.
  • The Ayurveda.
  • The USB (Universal Serial Bus)
  • Board games.
  • Yoga.
  • Buttons.
  • Cataract surgery.
  • Natural fibres.
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What is the role of science and technology in Indian history?

Over the recent past, Science and Technology has made tremendous contribution towards the settlement of industries in India. Starting from the micro level to the macro level, research and development in the field of technology has created an ideal niche for the overall growth of the economic condition of the country.

What type of technology did ancient India have?

Some of the ancient technologies remain useful even today: metallurgical techniques, ecological and agricultural traditions, Ayurveda and various local health traditions, water management (see Module on Water Management), among others. They are part of what has been called India’s traditional knowledge systems.

Which ancient Indian invention do you think is the most important and why?

Little needs to be written about the mathematical digit ‘zero’, one of the most important inventions of all time. Mathematician Aryabhata was the first person to create a symbol for zero and it was through his efforts that mathematical operations like addition and subtraction started using the digit, zero.

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Which innovation was the most important for the development of ancient India?

1. Zero and Decimal System. ‘ZERO’ was a very significant and popular idea which was developed by Indian mathematician Aryabhatta .

What is India’s greatest contribution to science?

Five of India’s contributions to science

  • Atomism. The earliest mention of the concept of the atom dates back to India.
  • Zero. Zero was recognized as a number and not merely a symbol of separation amongst all other numbers in India.
  • Trigonometric functions.
  • Modern decimal system.
  • Chandrasekhar Limit.

What are the inventions of the Vedas/Vedic scriptures?

The inventions are/were nothing but rediscovering things that were already given in Vedas and naming it as their own, while patenting, to earn money and push their economies. In this universal scam, their governments were hand in glove, so that the loot of the free knowledge continues.

Why do scientists steal bits of information from Vedas?

The only purpose of these scientists was to earn fame, name and money – while stealing bits of information from Vedas. It was 19th century, after colonizing India for several decades, westerners got hold of nuances of Vedas at surface level. They understood a bit about powerful knowledge that Vedas had.

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How long did it take for Western science to realize Vedic Science?

It took more than 2000 years for western science to realize the truth, that too when british invaded India, they came to know about Vedic science and they revealed it to the world taking undue credits of its knowledge.

Why did people translate Vedas in their own languages?

When they found great knowledge of Vedas – that too powerful yet free, they were up for grabs. These fools were so astonished that in a bid to earn name and fame in shorter possible time; they hurriedly translated Vedas in their own languages without fully knowing their meanings and main purpose.