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Which has more scope in future CA or MBA?

Which has more scope in future CA or MBA?

The scope depends on the institute from where you do your MBA. If you can manage to get your MBA from IIMs (A, B, C, K etc), ISB, and other top institutes, MBA is always better than CA. But, if you think that you can’t crack CAT and get into the above said category of B Schools, CA is always a better option.

Which one is better CA or MBA?

CA is an inexpensive course on its own and it seems especially pocket-friendly when compared to an MBA course. A CA course in India has an incredibly higher RoI factor. MBA is an expensive degree in general and an MBA in Finance course can set you back anywhere from Rs. 3 – 10 lakhs in 2 years.

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Do MBA has job security?

“From the data that we have collected, MBA graduates value opportunities for career growth and learning more than job security, even in these turbulent times. For a finance graduate from Mumbai, “In the current recession mode, it is very important to gather key skills to further your career.

Is CA a secure career?

#2: CA is a stable and secure profession Almost every organization needs CAs to handle accounting, finance, and audit. As there is always a high demand for qualified CAs, Chartered Accountancy is considered a stable and secure profession.

Does every CA get job?

Every Chartered Accountant irrespective of attempts gets a decent job. But only people who passout in first attempt or fewer attempt get nice jobs! But this is 21st century, no one wants a decent job.

Which is more valuable CA or MBA?

The overall money invested in a CA certification is less as compared to an MBA degree . Out of 100, only 3-5\% of candidates are able to qualify and get certified as CA. 90-95\% of candidates who opt for an MBA course end up getting good jobs.

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Can an MBA get you a job?

An MBA might help in getting a job interview, but it will not guarantee the applicant will land that job. On the other hand, people with work experience looking to give their career a boost can open avenues for growth and promotion with a part-time or EMBA program. Graduating with an MBA can earn you a higher salary.

Are there cyber security-specific MBAs?

While there aren’t a huge range of programs offering cyber security-specific MBAs, information technology MBAs have long been a mainstay of graduate business education. Many of these IT MBAs provide courses in cyber security and cyber security management. On top of this, a growing range of programs are offering cyber security-specific curricula.

What is the difference between an MBA and a master’s degree in cybersecurity?

Some programs offer the opportunity to learn not just the basics, but operational and leadership skills as well. The main difference, of course, between an MBA and a master’s degree in cybersecurity is the major focus of the program – where students will spend the majority of their study time and gain the most thorough training.

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Which schools offer cyber security degrees near San Diego?

The University of San Diego offers two innovative cybersecurity graduate degree programs — the online Master of Science in Cyber Security Operations and Leadership and the online or on-campus Master of Science in Cyber Security Engineering — both designed to be completed in as little as 20 months.

What is the cost of studying MS in cyber security in Canada?

MS in Cyber Security in Canada is offered by a handful of universities under different degree types like Master of Science, Master of Applied Science, Master of Engineering, etc. The duration of MS in Cyber Security in Canada varies from 1- 2 years. The cost of studying this program ranges between 17,239 CAD – 31,290 CAD annually.