Tips and tricks

What does it mean when you have a dream about you and your boyfriend getting married?

What does it mean when you have a dream about you and your boyfriend getting married?

According to, dreams of getting married often come when you are at an important developmental phase in your life, and the marriage itself signifies commitment, harmony, or transitions. …

What is the meaning of seeing someone Marriage in dream?

Seeing someone get married in a dream indicates to be happy, to meet unexpected developments, to see good days, to make dreams come true, to get fortune and to have a large family.

What happens when you see your own marriage in dream?

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According to a Hindu myth, to see your own marriage spells distress, but to see a bride happy shall bring forth happiness and pleasure. If a married person sees his or her own marriage in a dream, it spells a lot of trouble for him. Similarly, for a widow to dream of her marriage is thought to be very unlucky for her.

Why do I keep seeing my twin flame in dreams?

Just like the random synchronistic connection in your walking life your twin flame can appear in your dreams at any given time. Though something about this person isn’t just some wishful fantasy or romance but something more profound. Despite the short lived contact they have left you with a feeling that will resonate in your soul until you die.

How do you know if you have met your twin flame?

One of the major signs you have met your twin flame is the feeling of separation that comes with the dream. Your only wish would be to just meet up with them for one last minute to get that euphoric high you once felt. You are met with conflicting emotions of overwhelming sadness and joy as you might not ever see them again.

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Can Twin Flames be separated by other relationships?

Twin flames being separated by other relationships is actually more common than you think. These other relationships, however, are not the end goal; ultimately, you two are destined to be together. This other marriage or relationship is simply one more journey in life, but it won’t last forever.

Is your twin flame a part of your soul?

It is not your time as yet. According to analytical psychologist and mystic Carl Jung would suggest that this so called “twin flame” appears to be a part of our soul. Jung used the name Anima for men, and animus for women – the unconscious masculine and feminine energy within.