
How can I know my true love in astrology?

How can I know my true love in astrology?

We need to analyze the positions of Putrakaraka (the 5th highest degree holder) and Dharakaraka – a planet with the lowest degrees excluding Rahu and Ketu. The chances of you falling in true love are high if Putrakaraka is placed in the 1st, 5th, or 7th Houses of the birth chart.

Can astrology predict soulmates?

Soulmate information can be found in your natal chart by looking at the North Node of your Moon sign. For example, if your significant other’s North Node intersects with one of your unique planets in your chart, this could heavily indicate that you are bound to be soulmates.

Which planet is responsible for true love?

Planet Venus
Love, marriage and romance are governed by Planet Venus. This is a planet which is responsible for the success or failure in your love life.

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How do you find the date you will meet your soulmate?

Basically, the calculation works like this: You take the month and day of your birthday (ex: 07/04) and add that to your mom’s birthday. Then, you subtract your dad’s birthday from that number. The result is allegedly the month and day on which you’ll meet your soulmate.

Can all astrology predictions be right?

You might be wondering how all astrology predictions can be right. The answer is “no”. Astrologers are our fellow human beings and not Gods. They cannot change what is written in your fate by the Almighty but they can help you avoid the things that may create havoc in your life.

Can an astrologer predict falling in love?

With the help of an astrologer, you can learn to predict these cycles from a mile away. According to many Astrologers, falling in love is the domain of the 5th house in your birth chart.

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Can astrology predict your romantic destiny through love?

Your Romantic Destiny Through Astrology (Llewellyn’s Popular Astrology) and When Planets Promise Love: Your Romantic Destiny Through Astrology, urges readers to use the Sun/Moon midpoint when predicting romance and relationship.

Can astrology predict life changing events in your birth chart?

That’s an even rarer occurrence. But BOTH of these life changing events can be predicted in your birth chart! Of course, it’s up to you and your free will whether or not you’ll actually open your heart or walk down the aisle, but astrologically speaking, an astrologer can smell these cycles from a mile away.