Tips and tricks

Why losing is a good thing?

Why losing is a good thing?

Losing also gives you drive and purpose. It makes you want to strive to be better and achieve what you previously couldn’t. Losing also forces you to learn how to evaluate yourself. The only way to make adjustments and improve is by looking in the mirror and fixing what doesn’t work.

Why does losing affect me so much?

Besides the blow to the ego, losing actually hurts; not in an abstract way, but in a very real manner! It makes your stomach churn, changes your blood pressure, constricts thousands of muscles, impairs decision making, elevates stress, reduces testosterone, causes dopamine deprival, and much more.

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How do you enjoy losing games?

For me, it’s League of Legends which I have played for the past 4 years or so. There is no other game that comes close in terms of satisfaction (when doing well/winning). I just need to fix my mindset so I can enjoy losing (or at least not feel like I’ve wasted my time).

How do you enjoy a game?

How to Enjoy Gaming Again

  1. Take a Break. Our first suggestion is to simply…
  2. Get an Enviable Setup.
  3. Mix Up the Games.
  4. And The Consoles.
  5. Playing With Friends.
  6. Play the Classics.
  7. Get Other Hobbies.
  8. Take Care of Your Main Duties.

Why do I get so angry at losing?

The anger that you feel from loss is directly proportional to the joy you feel from victory. You get so angry when you lose because you “love” winning so much.

Why do we like to win?

Your desire to win could be related to a chemical in your brain called dopamine, which is linked to pleasure. Besting your buddy on the golf course not only gives you bragging rights, it also triggers a good feeling in the reward area of your brain.

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What happens when you lose interest in things you used to love?

When you lose interest in the things you used to love, you accidentally put distance between yourself and the people you love the most. You’re not trying to push them away but you stop agreeing to hang out and stop responding to texts because you’re not crazy about the idea of being around them. It’s not that you don’t want to see them.

Are You Losing track of Your Life?

If you find yourself waking up with little energy and no excitement, then the chances are high that you are losing track of your life. Those who know what they want in life embrace every new day with exciting plans and the desire to execute them.

How do I deal with the loss of my passion?

You need to get help. You need to find a therapist. You need to sort out your feelings because you don’t deserve to feel this lost. You don’t deserve to feel this off balance. You deserve to experience happiness again. You deserve to rediscover your passion for the things you used to love.

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Are You letting yourself get lost in your relationship?

Losing yourself is like throwing your own oxygen mask out the window and then trying to share your partner’s mask. Letting yourself get lost in your relationship is claustrophobic, toxic for both of you and impossible long term. If you see yourself in this, it’s time to make a change.