Tips and tricks

Is chemistry in everyday life important for Bitsat?

Is chemistry in everyday life important for Bitsat?

Remember, Chemistry in everyday life is a part of the syllabus! For both organic and inorganic, practice all reactions thoroughly. You would be directly tested on them. For physical chemistry, NCERT may not be enough.

What type of questions are asked in Bitsat?

The test will have Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English Proficiency, and Logical reasoning parts, and it is of 3 hours duration. All questions are of objective type (multiple choice questions) and based on NCERT syllabus.

Are questions repeated in Bitsat?

Answer. Dear Ananya, It totally depends questions may or may be not repeated in BITSAT but it is very important to solve previous year questions to understand the level of the questions and to know the pattern of the exam and you can get a type of question in your exam.

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What is the weightage of organic chemistry in BITSAT?

BITSAT 2018: Important exam topics to cover!

S.NO. Topic Weightage
10. Chemical Equilibrium 4\%
11. s-block elements 4\%
12. Solid State 4\%
13. General Organic Chemistry 4\%

Which is harder JEE mains or BITSAT?

BITSAT is easier than the JEE Main exam but it is a lot more competitive. Most BITSAT questions are easier than JEE Main questions and require less calculation as candidates have to solve 150 questions in 180 minutes.

Does BITSAT bonus question have negative marking?

Yes. The candidates will get extra marks if they mark correct answers for extra 12 questions. At the same time, there will be negative marking for wrong attempts.

Why do drugs with similar molecular structures have different drug actions?

It is seen that drugs that have a similar molecular structure, have the same pharmacological effects and similar drug actions. The slight variation in their structures gives them different potential. Bt the basic skeleton of their structure remains the same. So this becomes one more way for us to classify a drug.

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What is the Class 12 Chemistry for drugs?

The document Drugs and their Classification – Chemistry in Everyday Life, CBSE, Class 12, Chemistry | EduRev Notes is a part of Class 12 category. Chemicals which may be used for the treatment of diseases and for reducing the suffering from pain are called medicines or drugs.

Why are drugs chemically synthesized?

Chemically synthesized drugs have a low molecular mass and low atomic mass as well. When consumed, drugs enter the body and interact with macromolecules and generate some form of biological response. When this response is positive, desired and useful then such chemicals come to be known as medicines.

How do you classify a drug molecule?

A Drug molecule can, therefore, be classified based on the biochemical pathway it is acting upon. Certain drug molecules share a similarity in their structure and often show similar pharmacological effects. Sulfonamides – used as antibiotics. Amphetamines are employed in the treatment of Central Nervous System disorders.

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