Why is Hindi taught in schools?

Why is Hindi taught in schools?

Modern Standard Hindi is one of the official languages of India. Hindi schools promote Hindi by teaching children the importance of Hindi in both an economic and geographic perspective. The study found that Arabic, Mandarin, Russian, Persian and Hindi are all important languages in the new millennium.

What are the problems of teaching English in India?

The identified problems like lack of clear-cut-policy, deficiency exposure, non-availability of suitable material, lack of qualified teachers, improper methodology, lack of motivation, teacher student ratio and faulty examination system need attention to rectify the problems in teaching and learning of English in India …

Should English continue to be the official language of India?

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English should continue to be the official language of India. English should continue to be the official language of India. English is used as the official language in India. Recently, when PM Modi used Hindi for its diplomatic talks, it surged agitation in non-Hindi states especially Tamil Nadu.

Who is behind India’s new language policy for schools?

Indian media reported that the RSS, the far-right youth wing of the ruling BJP party, was heavily involved in drafting the policy and that many of its suggestions were adopted. But the plan stops short of naming Hindi as a recommended language for schools to teach in, something that had featured in a draft version published in June last year.

Why are there so many teachers in India who can’t speak English?

Curiously, many states in India have attempted to make English the medium of instruction for all schools in an attempt to assuage the demands of the poor; however, the shortage of teachers who can even speak English is surreal. All of this while the vast majority is able to communicate in their respective mother tongues.

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Why do some regional parties want to make Hindi as official language?

Hindi represents India, and when the people in India don’t understand Hindi, it is a matter of shame for country. Why the regional parties wants to make the regional language as official language when Hindi represents India. The different regions are part of India. So, they should have proficiency in Hindi.