
What can we do to create a more inclusive society?

What can we do to create a more inclusive society?

Below are four suggestions to take advantage of the opportunity to being an active part of creating an inclusive community.

  1. Use Thoughtful Language.
  2. Learn About, And Eliminate, The Use of Microaggressions.
  3. Identify And Acknowledge Potential Unconscious Bias.
  4. Ask Questions, Make No Assumptions, and Listen!

How can we create a sustainable environment in our society?

How to live a more sustainabile lifestyle

  1. Save energy. By using less energy, you can help to reduce carbon emissions.
  2. Eat less meat.
  3. Use reusable alternatives.
  4. Go paperless.
  5. Use renewable energy.
  6. Recycle and reuse.
  7. Grow your own produce.
  8. Donate unused items.
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How can we sustain social sustainability?

Social Sustainability

  1. Contribute in other ways to improve the lives of the people they affect, such as by creating decent jobs, goods and services that help meet basic needs, and more inclusive value chains.
  2. Make strategic social investments and promote public policies that support social sustainability.

How can you help to create a more diverse equitable and an inclusive workplace and society?

Ways to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace

  1. Be aware of unconscious bias.
  2. Communicate the importance of managing bias.
  3. Promote pay equity.
  4. Develop a strategic training program.
  5. Acknowledge holidays of all cultures.
  6. Make it easy for your people to participate in employee resource groups.
  7. Mix up your teams.

How can we create a sustainable society Brainly?

​ –….Answer:

  1. checking population growth.
  2. checking population growth. sensible use of resources.
  3. checking population growth. sensible use of resources. using renewable sources of energy.
  4. checking population growth. sensible use of resources. using renewable sources of energy. recycling of waste.
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How can you promote sustainable development?

12 Ways to Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  1. SIGN THE W.A.S.H.
  4. Give to Projects that Support the SDGs.

What is inclusive sustainability?

Inclusive sustainability works to draw genuine connections between environmental sustainability and social justice. This new concept challenges traditional environmental practices that ignore or overlook important social justice issues. ​Inclusive sustainability directly engages students and increases student success.

What are ways you can make your home more sustainable?

Easy fixes to make your current home more sustainable

  • Draft-proof your doors and windows.
  • Invest in curtains or blinds.
  • Reevaluate your home’s insulation.
  • Install solar panels.
  • Clean your refrigerator’s coils.
  • Install a water filter that removes microplastics.
  • Replace fluorescent light bulbs with LED or CFL bulbs.

How can you promote diversity and inclusion in the community?

Tips to promote inclusion in your community

  1. Ask members to self identify by sharing their pronouns.
  2. Highlight diverse stories from within your community.
  3. Showcase members of your community with panels and lives.
  4. Work with fellow community leaders and groups to share your diverse perspectives.
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How can we advocate for inclusive change in the way that organizations work?

Some ways you can do this include: 1) complying with legal issues transparently around diversity 2) publicize your diversity initiatives and progress 3) consult regularly with diverse groups within your organization and external consultants.

How can we create sustainable cities and communities?

Five ways to make cities more sustainable and resilient

  1. Urban transport systems need to become more sustainable.
  2. Nature-based solutions work for cities, too.
  3. Community networks can support urban disaster resilience.
  4. Smart solutions can improve urban livelihoods.
  5. Cities, countries and international bodies need to collaborate.

How can we contribute to create a sustainable community for the sustenance of life on the earth in Brainly?


  1. Recycle.
  2. Make informed choices.
  3. Minimize waste.
  4. Compost kitchen waste.
  5. Carpool.
  6. Grow your own garden.