Tips and tricks

What is the reply of no worries?

What is the reply of no worries?

It’s similar “not a problem” or “don’t worry about it.” Somehow, “no worries” has become the more common expression. You can just say “thanks” if you feel the need to respond.

What does no worries mean in a text?

do not worry about that
No worries is an expression seen in English meaning “do not worry about that”, “that’s all right”, “forget about it” or “sure thing”. It is similar to the US English “no problem”. No worries utilization migrated to New Zealand after origination in Australia.

What does it mean when a guy tells you no worries?

Explanation: This is very commonly in both regular daily life and in the work place. It can be used after an apology or after someone says thank you. In both cases, it is telling the person that the event was no big deal and it does not require an apology or a thank you. “No worries, we can get it done tomorrow.”

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Is it good to say no worries?

Explanation: This is very commonly in both regular daily life and in the work place. It can be used after an apology or after someone says thank you. In both cases, it is telling the person that the event was no big deal and it does not require an apology or a thank you.

Is it correct to say no worries?

No Worries The phraseology of “no worries” and “no problem” have increasingly crept into common usage in America, both in personal and professional settings. For some, these words have almost become replacements for “You’re welcome” and sometimes, “I’m sorry”.

Is no worries and no problems too casual?

No Worries and No Problems are way too casual. And, if I’ve given you something to do, of course it’s not a problem, it’s your JOB. I often assist with last minute requests that are NOT my job. I’m sure as hell not going to thank you for your lack of planning and foresight. Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

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How do you respond when someone says “do not worry”?

Judith, I would think your ‘no problem’ is the better choice as what you are in fact saying is: ‘Do not worry, it is no problem.’ You would like to assure the other person that you accept the excuse and would like to assure her that it, the ‘whatever’, had caused you no discomfort. I would suggest that you may make it more personal and accurate.

What does “no worries” mean in Australia?

No worries. It has also come to mean you’re welcome nowadays. Australians never used to say “You’re welcome” either, but with the younger generations being overwhelmed with American television, it is becoming more common. “No worries” is so ubiquitous in Australia, I think most of us don’t even register it when we hear it.