
How did Ned know Jaime was the father?

How did Ned know Jaime was the father?

“Robert Baratheon – Hair color – Black and His sons Joffrey and Tommem, Hair color- Golden”. This was the hint for him and he was pretty smart to link things with Bran stark being pushed from the window and from all these instances he came to know that Jamie was the father.

How did Ned find out about Cersei and Jaime?

How could he have found it out? It’s a reasonable guess to say he found out on the day he had his near-fatal accident, and found out in the simplest way possible – by seeing Jaime and Cersei together as lovers rather than siblings.

How old was Eddard Stark when he was in the Eyrie?

Eddard was fostered by Lord Jon Arryn at the Eyrie from the age of eight. There, Eddard befriended his fellow ward, Robert Baratheon, while Lord Jon became like a second father to him. When he reached the age of sixteen, Eddard was a man grown, and divided his time between Winterfell and the Eyrie.

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Did Eddard Stark have an illegitimate son?

Eddard also had a supposed illegitimate son, Jon Snow, apparently fathered with a common serving girl Wylla, and raised Jon as his son alongside his legitimate children in Winterfell. In reality, Jon is Eddard’s nephew since he is the son of Eddard’s sister Lyanna with Rhaegar Targaryen.

What happened between Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark?

A rift opens between Eddard and Robert when Eddard refuses to sanction the assassination of Daenerys Targaryen upon hearing she is pregnant with Khal Drogo’s child. Eddard resigns as Hand and prepares to return to Winterfell.

Is Ned Stark related to Brandon Stark?

Lord Eddard Stark, also known as Ned Stark, was the head of House Stark, the Lord of Winterfell, Lord Paramount and Warden of the North, and later Hand of the King to King Robert I Baratheon. He was the older brother of Benjen, Lyanna and the younger brother of Brandon Stark.

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