Tips and tricks

Can feral kittens become domestic?

Can feral kittens become domestic?

Feral kittens can usually be tamed if they are rescued young enough AND they are socialized properly. Kittens who are rescued at over 6 weeks of age who have had little or no physical or social contact with humans may not be completely domesticated, although some younger ones may be fully socialized with patience.

Can feral kittens make good pets?

Feral cats may look cute and cuddly, but they are a lot different than a typical house cat. While feral cats are considered wild animals and prefer to live their lives outdoors, their kittens can be rescued from the streets and put into loving homes as pets.

What age do feral kittens leave mother?

It is at around six weeks that kittens start leaving the den and a new communication system with mom develops as part of the learning process. Mom growls when there is danger, and the litter scatters and hides until mom signals that the danger has passed.

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How do you introduce a feral kitten to your home?

Hold one cat, open the door for a few seconds so they can see the other cat, then shut the door. Do this a few times a day, and make it just a little longer as you progress. You can also put the new cat in a carrier and set it out in the existing cat’s area for 30-60 minutes at a time.

Can 12 week old feral kittens be tamed?

If feral kittens are caught and handled at a young enough age, they can be socialized and placed in loving homes. At age 10-12 weeks, kittens can also be tamed but it may take longer.

How long do feral kittens stay with their mother?

Feral cats leave their kittens at about five weeks old with the weaning process, though they don’t leave them outright. The mother restricts nursing, encouraging them to go out on their own and hunt. Eventually, the kittens become older and independent enough that they stop returning to the nest.

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Is it OK to touch feral kittens?

A mother cat will NOT “reject” kittens that have been touched by humans. If there are signs that mama cat has been back but she is afraid of you and runs away, she is probably feral, meaning she was born outside and has never been around humans, and should stay outside with her kittens.

Are feral kittens like their mother?

Like a kitten born to a pet, feral kittens rely upon their mother at birth. Just because a cat is feral, it does not mean that they are cold or unfeeling. A feral queen will be just as protective of her litter as a housecat. Arguably more so, as feral cats tend to live in all-female colonies.

Can a feral cat give birth without human contact?

Considering the short, miserable lives that feral cats suffer, those kittens that can be tamed and adopted by humans are indeed lucky. Feral moms usually give birth in quiet, unseen spots where kittens will not be visible for several weeks. With no human contact, they will be totally wild.

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Is it safe to have a feral cat as a pet?

Never bring a feral cat into your home if you already have pets. Feral cats will be aggressive and belligerent. Even if the cat does not attack your pets, it may carry parasites and diseases. Attempting to domesticate a feral cat will require experience in handling difficult cats and patience.

Do feral cats act differently when they are indoors?

Feral cats are not used to being indoors. This means that the cat may become frustrated and act destructively. Remove anything of value from the cat’s new territory.