
Did Palpatine know immortality?

Did Palpatine know immortality?

(Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious’s Master and one of the very few Sith Lords to ever achieve immortality.) So yes, Sidious did sort of find out how to be “immortal” in both Legends and Canon continuity, and his methods were more or less the same – essence transfer.

Can Palpatine bring people back to life?

Unlike The Rise of Skywalker, Dark Empire made no secret of how Palpatine was able to return to life. Using cloning technology, the Sith lord is able to transfer his soul into a more powerful clone of his former self.

Does Palpatine know all 7 forms?

In fact, he was a master of all seven forms. He specifically preferred to use Form VII or Juyo, but, just like Darth Vader’s fighting style, he was able to fuse all of the different forms to his advantage.

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Could Darth plagueis really conquer death?

According to Darth Sidious, Darth Plagueis was a powerful Sith Lord who was able to use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life, a power that was reportedly to be extremely rare for one sensitive to the Force to possess, and could even be used by certain Sith Lords to prolong or even cheat death.

How did Palpatine return to life?

Palpatine himself is connected to similar machinery through various tubes and appears to have possibly been created through the same technology. In the end, though, we don’t know for sure how Palpatine returned. This will likely be explored in future expanded canon content. But, for now, we can hopefully assume that he’s dead for good this time.

Is Palpatine in Star Wars 9?

Star Wars 9 Theory: Palpatine Never Existed, It Was Always Darth Plagueis. Sheeve Palpatine, AKA Darth Sidious is back as the main villain of Star Wars after a shocking reveal at the end of the first trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and Darth Plagueis may hold the key to why he’s still alive.

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Did Palpatine kill Plagueis in his sleep?

The implication here is that Palpatine, Darth Sidious, was Plagueis’ apprentice, learned how to defeat death and create life from his master, then killed him in his sleep.

Is Palpatine trying to cheat death?

Palpatine has a long history of trying to cheat death. You’ll remember in Revenge of the Sith, one of Palpatine’s first Sith lessons for Anakin Skywalker is of Darth Plagueis “The Wise.” He tells Anakin of Plagueis: