How do you calculate the area of a regular polygon?

How do you calculate the area of a regular polygon?

Know the correct formula. The area of any regular polygon is given by the formula: Area = (a x p)/2, where a is the length of the apothem and p is the perimeter of the polygon. Plug the values of a and p in the formula and get the area. As an example, let’s use a hexagon (6 sides) with a side (s) length of 10.

How to calculate the area of polygon given its coordinates?

Make a table with the x,y coordinates of each vertex. Start at any vertex and go around the polygon in either direction. Combine the first two rows by: Multiplying the first row x by the second row y. Repeat this for rows 2 and 3, then rows 3 and 4 and so on. Add these results, make it positive if required, and divide by two.

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How do you find the area of a four sided polygon?

A 4-sided polygon is a quadrilateral. This is family of well-known shapes. Most of them have their own formula for area: For any other quadrilateral, divide the shape into two triangles, find the area of each and add them together.

What is the formula for how many sides are in a polygon?

Finding the Number of Sides of a Polygon You can use the same formula, S = (n − 2) × 180° S = (n – 2) × 180 °, to find out how many sides n a polygon has, if you know the value of S, the sum of interior angles. How many sides does a polygon have if the sum of the interior angles is 1260? 9

Which polygons are regular?

A regular polygon is a polygon which is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) and equilateral (all sides have the same length). Regular polygons may be convex or star(complex).

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What is the shape of a regular polygon?

A regular shape, also known as a regular polygon, is a shape that has sides that are all equal. If there are sides of differing lengths, these shapes are known as irregular polygons. As well as having all sides equal in length, all interior angles must also be the same.

What is the definition of regular polygon?

A polygon is regular when all angles are equal and all sides are equal (otherwise it is “irregular”).