
Does Body Count affect relationships?

Does Body Count affect relationships?

High body counts don’t signify promiscuity. To the sophisticated partner, a high number could imply a troubled childhood, escapism or even depression. Whether low or high, sex numbers say a lot about your relationship with sex.

What is considered a high body count for a guy?

But in general, anywhere between 4 and 8 partners is considered an average number of sexual partners for adult men and women.

Should I ask my girlfriend what her body count is?

Asking your partner about their sex “number” should be fun pillow talk, not a chance for you to judge them. There’s nothing wrong with asking your partner about their ‘body count,’ but it’s also worth examining why you want to know.

Is having a high body count a good or bad thing?

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To a point, having a high body count can be a good thing. Misogynists and abusers are more likely to slut-shame than others. Having a high body count will push people who only value you for your sexuality away. These kinds of folks will do nothing for your self-love status.

What is a body count in dating?

If there’s one dating topic that will polarize the internet, it’s a person’s body count, really. If you don’t know what it is… the Urban Dictionary is here to inform us all. The slang dictionary def of a body count is “How many people you’ve had sex with.”

What happens if you have a low body count in a relationship?

The real problem comes in when you’re dealing with a potential partner that puts a heavy emphasis on having a low body count—or when you are that partner. This tends to suggest serious insecurities that can lead to body shaming, sexual repression, and emotional abuse if you have a count, not to their liking.

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Why do people care so much about Your Body Count?

There’s also the stigma surrounding it. Sometimes, the only reason people care about a person’s body count is that they are just afraid of the blowback they’d get if others found out. Being bullied or shunned over who you’re dating can be painful, you know.