
Can I be asexual and have a boyfriend?

Can I be asexual and have a boyfriend?

Unlike celibacy, which people choose, asexuality is an intrinsic part of who they are. Some asexual people are happier on their own, others are happiest with a group of close friends, while other asexual people have a desire to form more intimate romantic relationships, and will date and seek long-term partnerships.

Can you date if you’re asexual?

Asexual people still date, even if they’re not that into sex. Asexuals (or “aces”) still date, though ― and they sometimes even date non-aces. Like any sexual orientation, asexuality exists on spectrum, and individual experiences vary from person to person.

Can I find love as an asexual?

“Asexuals do feel romantic, platonic, emotional, sensual emotions and can be attracted towards opposite, same and both gender,” he said. While Raj is still looking for love, he has witnessed a love story between Omkar and his partner Sadanand.

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Can you have a boyfriend if you are asexual but not aromantic?

Since you already know the difference between romantic and sexual orientation and know where you stand, then yes, it’s possible to have a boyfriend if you are asexual but not aromantic. The only issue you may run into is that, if he’s not asexual, then you not wanting sex may be a dealbreaker for a lot of dudes.

Should I tell people I’m dating an asexual person?

Don’t tell people you’re dating an asexual person if your partner isn’t comfortable with being outed like this. It’s all about communication and understanding each other. Make sure you have your partner’s permission before you tell people they’re ace. From my own perspective, having others know you’re asexual can be scary.

What does it mean to be asexual?

Asexuality is a spectrum that encompasses many different ‘sub-types’ of asexuality, including gray-sexuals and demi-sexuals. Ask your partner what being ace means for them. Some asexuals do still have sex — sometimes because they want to, other times to please a partner (but never use that as a reason to get them to sleep with you).

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Is asexuality a mistake?

However, this is a mistake and now you will understand why. Asexuality is the complete absence of sexual desire in a person or its extremely weak presence. Accordingly, asexuality shouldn’t be confused with intentional abstinence because asexuals don’t refuse sex for any specific purpose.