
Who was savitar before the time remnant?

Who was savitar before the time remnant?

This week on The Flash, the monster speedster Savitar revealed himself to be a time remnant of Barry Allen, created four years in the future. This Time Remnant Barry begrudges his discarded life, and loss of family and friends, for being the “forgotten” hero.

How did Barry’s time remnant become savitar?

Savitar is one of Barry’s time remnants, meaning that if Barry runs back in time he can create temporal duplicates of himself. In order to defeat Zoom in last year’s season finale, Barry created a time remnant. This time remnant ended up sacrificing himself to stop Zoom and save the multiverse. He becomes Savitar.

How is savitar a time remnant?

Savitar is one of Barry’s time remnants, meaning that if Barry runs back in time he can create duplicates of himself. In order to defeat Zoom in last year’s season finale, Barry created a time remnant. This time remnant ended up sacrificing himself to stop Zoom and save the multiverse.

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How did Barry make a time remnant?

A time remnant is a future version of a speedster or a copy if you will. So, when Barry defeated Zoom, he created a time remnant by running back in time moments before he faced zoom creating a past Barry and Future Barry.

Why is savitar face burnt?

When Barry’s time remanant ran around the machine that was going to destroy the mulitverse, he burnt up and that is Savitar. When he burnt up from running so fast, you could see his face was burning. That is why Savitar has a weird “pizza” scar on his one side of his face. Wrong time remnant.

What did Barry learn about Savitar in Season 3?

In Season 3, Barry learned that the self-proclaimed God of Speed Savitar intended to kill Iris West. Later, Barry was horrified to discover that Savitar was a time remnant of himself, created to stop Savitar in an alternate timeline from killing Iris.

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Is Savitar aware of his true identity as time remnant?

Savitar is fully aware of his true identity as a Barry Allen Time Remnant that this current hero has yet to create. Which means he’s fully aware that he needs to play the role Savitar did for him, and kill Iris – beginning the cycle of torment all over again. That lingering second thing he needs is a curious twist.

How did Savitar turn into Savitar in the Flash?

As revenge, he travels backwards a handful of years to kill Barry’s fiancée – creating a Barry desperate and broken enough to create the Time Remnant that would one day become Savitar. For the sci-fi buffs, that closed loop of cause and effect is one of the simplest forms of time travel twisting.

Is Savitar the future Barry Allen?

Fans of The Flash are still reeling from the reveal that Savitar was the future Barry Allen, but thankfully, the next episode lays out in, perfect detail, exactly how Barry becomes the villain.