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What is the difference between northern and southern Germany?

What is the difference between northern and southern Germany?

There are several differences between north and south Germany, such as their predominant religions: those in the north are more likely to be evangelisch (protestant), while those in the south are more likely to be katholisch (catholic). When Austria was defeated, Bavaria joined the Prussian-formed German Empire.

What is considered North Germany?

The five coastal states (Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony and the two city-states Hamburg and Bremen) are regularly referred to as Northern Germany.

Why is South Germany so rich?

After the second world war, when hard graft and financial aid via the Marshall plan resulted in Germany’s “Wirtschaftswunder” (economic miracle), the region rose to become the country’s economic powerhouse. Crucial to its success is Germany’s tradition of craftsmanship – on-the-job training with some theory thrown in.

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What is the richest state in Germany?

North Rhine-Westphalia
The Richest States in Germany

Rank State GDP (Euro, billions)
1 North Rhine-Westphalia 645.6
2 Bavaria 549.2
3 Baden-Wurttemberg 460.7
4 Hesse 263.4

Do you consider South Germans to be different from North Germans?

Yes, somewhat but not completely. North Germans are more hard-working, industrious, practical than South Germans who more laid-back, beer drinkers and social (more fun). Southern are also racially more Alpinid or Dinarid than North Germans who are more Nordid or East Europid.

What are the stereotypes of northern and southern Germany?

The stereotypes are: The people in the north view those in Süddeutschland (southern Germany) as country bumpkins with weird dialects, while southern Germans view those in Norddeutschland (northern Germany) as pompous and humourless.

Why is the north of Germany warmer than the south?

This is explained by the North’s flat and open landscapes and its closeness to the sea, and South’s higher terrain, larger distance from the sea, and the Alps. These mountains prevent much of the usually warmer Mediterranean air to blow up into southern Germany. And north of the Alps and the Carpathians,…

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Is there a divide between North and South Germany?

When people think of a divided Germany, they are most likely to think of the Cold War period, when Germany was divided into east and west. However, despite the country having been united for 30 years now, lots would argue there is an invisible divide between north and south Germany.